Chapter 18

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Atifa's pov:

I was brought out of my thoughts as someone stood in front of me and kept their hand on my head.

Abbu? Is it abbu? Is he here? Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked up. But to my disappointment, it was mamu. But it actually seemed for a moment that abbu was back. That he was here for my special day. But I was wrong. How can he even come here? How can he when he...

"Assalamualikum Atifa, how are you beta?" Mamu asked me gently as he passed me a warm smile, breaking me off from my thoughts.

"Walikumussalam mamu, I'm fine alhamdulillah. How are you? I missed you." I mumbled as I stood up to engulf him in a hug.

His arms came around me, wrapping me in his warm embrace. It felt like abbu was here and he was hugging me. I sniffed as I hugged him tighter. "Alhamdulillah, even I'm fine beta." He replied while patting my head lovingly.

I released him from my hug as I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I really missed you all. Why didn't you guys come earlier to meet us?" I complained like a kid as I sniffed and wiped my nose.

He smiled, patting my head. "We missed you too beta. But you know how work keeps us all busy. Although now I really wish that we should have met earlier too. I never thought that the next time we would meet would be like this. But tell me, are you happy with this? Or do I need to pull my sister's ears?" He teased, but there was seriousness in his gaze. Like he really wanted to know if I was happy and this was what I wanted.

I smiled through tears in my eyes and replied, "I don't know mamu. I really don't know. But if this is what Allah wants then this is what will happen and I don't mind. I have done istikhara and I think this is the right thing to do."

He nodded his head and smiled slightly. "You have grown up so soon. I never thought you will be getting married this early, or else I would have warned that boy about you. But it's too late now. Poor boy." He teased, keeping his hand on his heart and shaking his head dramatically.

"Mamu!" I whined slowly, realising that we aren't alone. My gaze roamed around, lingering behind mamu for a while longer than necessary as I made out the figure sitting in front of me, most probably the one who is my future husband.

Reciting astagfirullah and snapping myself out of my thoughts, I turned my attention back at mamu only to see him smirking at me. I raised my eyebrows before realising he might have caught me looking around. Embarrassed, I looked away and my gaze landed on an unknown lady. Furrowing my eyebrows, I turned to mamu again. "Who is she?" I asked him as my gaze travelled back to that beautiful lady who seemed to be busy talking to Emaan.

"She is your soon to be husband's bhabi. You will be able to meet her soon enough." He winked as a chuckle escaped his lips. "Now don't just keep staring at her or anywhere else and sit down like a shy bride. Which you aren't but try to act like it anyways." Mamu added and muttered the last sentence in an i-cant-do-anything-about-you way, making me glare at him.

"Did you just say that I'm not shy?" I muttered angrily as I glanced around to see if anyone was listening to our conversation. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice us much. I returned back to glaring at him.

"No no, when did I say that?" He questioned, innocence lacing his voice as he looked at me with wide eyes twinkling with amusement.

Annoyed, I huffed and sat down. "You said that and I'm shy." I muttered as I adjusted my dress, ignoring his amused gaze.

"Okay as you say Miss Sharmili Dhulhan." He chuckled and bent down to peck my forehead before sitting at the couch kept in the middle of both the sides. My cheeks heated up at the new name and I looked down to hide my burning cheeks. (Miss Shy Bride)

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