Chapter 26

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Atifa's pov :

"You guys are being emotional like you won't be meeting again." Emaan's brother Zeeshan,  - who came here to pick her up - commented, making us both glare at him with our teary gaze.

"Shut up. You aren't allowed to interrupt us. We never know." Emaan chided angrily, making him raise his hands up in surrender as he looked at us with wide eyes.

"Leave it Emaan. I'm going to miss you." I interrupted as she continued to glare at him, turning her attention back at me.

"I'm going to miss you more." Tears were streaming down her face as she hugged me, making me cry too. I sniffed before wiping my tears and hugging her back.

"It's okay, we will meet again soon In Sha Allah." I tried to console her but it was all in vain.

"But it won't be the same. You got married. And you will forget me now. And I don't know when we will be able to meet again." She cried harder saying this while clutching onto me like her life depended on it.

"Ya Allah ladki! I won't forget you, don't worry. And we will keep talking, right? We will also continue to keep meeting each other like before In Sha Allah. I just got married, I ain't going anywhere." I replied, hugging her back tightly, now highly conscious of the fact that her brother was here too, and everyone might be watching us being an emotional wreck. (Oh God girl!)

"In Sha Allah. But you have grown so old. You even got married." Emaan wailed, making me flushed.

"Now you are being dramatic. I'm not that old either." I stated slowly, trying to hide my face in her hijab.

But it seemed like my voice wasn't as low as I intended for it to be. Because I heard her brother's voice just as I completed my statement. "Over dramatic would be the correct word." He muttered loud enough for us to hear.

"Can't you guys let me shed some tears for her nikkah peacefully? And also for her rukhsati in advance? I don't want to ruin my makeup that day." Came her muffled reply as she lightly slapped my shoulder, her hysteria a bit controlled now as she ignored her brother's statement.

"Oh how considerate of you Emaan." I mumbled annoyedly. "And I'm the one on periods but it looks like you are having my mood swings." I whispered, making her chuckle as she shook her head, releasing me slightly from her tight grip.

"Who told you I can't be on my periods too? Best friends forever goals, you know?" She muttered with a smile, her face flushed now as she looked around at everyone.

"Your mood swings are worse than mine, you know?" I muttered as I moved away from her while shaking my head.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." She replied, now glancing at him, who was standing in a corner talking to his brother, occasionally glancing in our way, his gaze had a concerned look in it which kind of made me feel warm? Okay, I was definitely over analysing things.

"Now don't do anything stupid or crazy." Half of my statement was left hanging in the air as she made her way towards him, ignoring me. There she goes. Again. A sigh escaped my lips as I looked at them, waiting for her to do whatever she wanted to do.

"Bhaijaan, I'm taking Atifa with me." She told him, making him confused as he frowned at her, not understanding where this was going. Even I was confused. What was she trying to do?

When he didn't reply, she added with a sigh. "You won't ask me where? Or why? Or any other question for that matter?"

"No? I mean she is your friend, so I would understand if you would like to take her with you." He replied, making me suppress my giggle. Emaan just stared at him in disbelief.

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