Chapter 40

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Saad's pov :

I could feel guilt coursing through my body, piercing my heart. I couldn't believe the fact that I made her cry. That I was the reason for her crying, and that too, not just once, but twice!

I couldn't believe that I let myself get carried away by my anger and took it out on her. It might not even be her fault! Bhabi was right, I shouldn't have asked her those questions today. She was already sick and I did that. Why couldn't I just control myself? Control my anger?

Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair while taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. Looking down at the girl who was crying because of me, I sat down in front of her, feeling angry at myself.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? At least don't hurt yourself because of me, or anyone for that fact." Cupping her cheeks, I murmured slowly while wiping her tears away. I hated myself for doing this to her.

"Then please, don't ask me these questions. I don't have any answers for them. I- I don't know anything myself. I'm as clueless as you are. I'm as clueless as you are..." Leaning her head on my shoulder, her tears wetting my hoodie, she murmured quietly in a pained voice.

"I can't promise you anything. But I will try. Just don't do this to yourself please." Running my hand through her hair, I whispered back. My voice breaking in the end.

How could I do this? How could I question her when I should have known that she wasn't like that. That she wouldn't do anything like that. Didn't I believe in her at the start? Then what happened? Why was my anger more prominent than my trust in her?

"Thank you." I heard her muttering gratefully. "Just... don't hate ammi please." She mumbled, taking her head off my shoulder and gazing into my glassy orbs. Her own chocolate ones moist with unshed tears.

Releasing a shaky breath, I let my hands fall from her side as I stood up, looking away. Quickly standing up, she looked at me, her gaze desperate. "Okay." I breathed out, just as our gazes locked.

A grateful smile curved her lips as she wiped the remaining sign of tears away from her face. "Jazak Allahu Khairan."

"But you have to promise me one thing." Taking a step closer, I told her as one of my hands went to her cheeks while the other blocked her way.

"Which is?" She breathed out, her eyes wide as she stared at me, her face flushed and her lips slightly parted. And at that moment, she looked so cute, innocent and vulnerable that I just felt like hiding her in my arms. Before my thoughts could go haywire because of her and her innocent beauty, I willed my gaze to travel back to her eyes.

"That you will tell me everything when you get to know yourself. That you won't hide anything from me." My voice was authoritative, and I didn't know if that was a good thing or if I should have corrected it and just let her tell me if she ever felt like telling me. But my gaze was hopeful, hopeful that she wouldn't deny me or argue with me and promise me.

But before she could reply, the doorbell rang, breaking our eye contact, we turned to look at the door before looking at each other, our expressions baffled. Who could it be?

Quickly moving away from her, I ran my hand through my hair before grabbing my mobile and heading towards the window.

"Wait, don't go out now! If it's ammi then she might see you out there. Let her come in first before going out." Just as I was about to jump out of her window, she stopped me in a frenzy while grabbing a hijab and putting it on. Understanding her point, I nodded my head as I saw her heading out of the room while closing the door.

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