Chapter 54

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Saad's pov:

"You know what's the difference between you and her? This." Pointing a finger at her, I interrupted. "This is the biggest difference between you both." Pointing my finger at Atifa and then back at her, I clarified. "Can't you just look at yourself? At what you are doing right now? You are asking someone to leave someone whom they like just because you like that person and want to be with that person. If you actually liked me, you would have wanted me to be happy, be it with you or with anyone else. 

And while I'm at it, let me add another thing. It doesn't matter to me what a person looks like. Real beauty isn't measured by what we see or what is shown to us, real beauty resides in our hearts, in our soul and in our intentions. Real beauty is having a kind heart and a pure soul. A beautiful face is going to wither away, get wrinkled and become old. But a beautiful heart? It's beauty won't wither away or get wrinkled. It is always going to stay beautiful and remain the same. 

Another point. She is modest. She is shy. She doesn't like flaunting herself or her body just because she has something which others don't. She likes to cover herself and keep her beauty only for her husband because that is what is said in Islam. She doesn't like making people insecure. She understands. She knows what is right and what is wrong. And I can bet that she would have never done what you just did with her if she were at your place. This. This is the difference between you both." I finished, feeling Atifa's hold tightening around my hand. My furious gaze flickered in her direction to see her looking down, at her feet. Was this girl not going to say anything at all? God! 

"You think I'm not modest enough? Look around you, Saad. Just look around. I'm not like other girls who are flaunting their body by wearing short dresses or swimsuits. I'm not like them! How can you even judge me based on what I wear or what I show?" Throwing her hands around, she questioned furiously. 

"I'm sorry, I'm in no way judging you. I'm just telling you what I saw and observed. But just by wearing full clothes, a person doesn't become modest. Modesty isn't shown by what you wear or what you show, I agree. Modesty should, first and foremost, be present in our hearts. We should be conscious of ourselves. We should know what we are doing and why we are doing. We should know how it is going to affect us and if it is allowed in Islam to do it. 

And I don't want to be blunt by telling you myself to look at yourself. I mean, you can wear whatever you want, but at your home when you are alone or with your husband. Not like this, outside. That revealing top and those tight jeans don't cover your beauty, in fact, they expose your beauty to the whole world to see. You should know this yourself if you are wearing it. I'm no one to judge you, and I'm not judging you. I'm just telling you. If you can wear these clothes outside, then I shouldn't have been surprised by hearing what you called her a while back because not everyone is the same. But still, I was. Because maybe, just maybe, I thought that you would never go as far as calling someone, more specifically a fellow muslim woman, something like that." I paused, not knowing what else to add. Her actions actually disappointed me, I wasn't expecting anything like that from her. God, I didn't even know why was I even expecting anything from her at all!

"I just mean to say, reflect on yourself. Reflect on what you say and what you mean. Reflect on what you wear and why you wear it. Reflect on your intentions. On the day of judgement, none of these worldly things will matter. None of our excuses will work. Only our intentions will be seen and only they will be weighted. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm telling you all this when I know that it doesn't even matter to you what I'm saying right now." I added the last sentence in exasperation because I was confused at my behaviour. Why was I even telling her all this in the first place when I already got to know how she was? 

"Exactly man! Keep your preaching to yourself, not everyone is as free as you are to be listening to your so called lectures! And I don't even know why I was standing here, listening to you when I should have walked away long back! And before I go, let me tell you." Pointing a finger at me, she continued furiously, a hint of exasperation leaking in her voice. "Your parents will be so disappointed in you! And where was this preaching of yours when you secretly married your 'lover', huh? You just know how to bark on others, not work on what you say yourself. And coming to think about it, I should be glad that I didn't get to marry a coward and hollow person like you, who only knows how to point fingers at others and nothing else! Happy married life, Saad. But don't forget that I will come back to ruin your life for what you did with me!

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