Chapter 11

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Atifa's pov :

We were roaming around the busy streets looking for a good shop to buy whatever ammi had in mind. I don't mind wearing anything tomorrow but just that whatever it is, it shouldn't be heavy. I don't want to wear anything heavy when it's just a small nikkah with just family and close friends. And I really hope ammi hasn't planned to buy something heavy for such a small nikkah.

Emaan was walking with me behind ammi. And the kids were holding his hand, walking a few steps behind us. I was so tempted to turn around and look at how cute the kids were looking with him, holding his hands. But I didn't dare to do that. I don't want to be caught looking at them like that. And for him to get any ideas...

"You actually aren't going to turn around and see them?" I glanced at Emaan who was staring at me expectantly.

"No." I replied indifferently.

She huffed. "Well, it's your wish, but I'm not going to stop myself from watching them." She replied with an evil smile and as if to show me that she wasn't kidding. "Are you both enjoying?" Turning around to look at them, she called out to the kids.

"Yes api!" I heard their chorus, I could feel the grin on their faces. My lips twitched on their own, glad that at least someone else was enjoying.

Emaan turned back to me and grinned. She wasn't wearing a niqab so it wasn't hard to see her expressions, unlike mine. "Told you I will see them!"

"Yeah yeah. Enjoy." I replied and continued to look for an interesting shop. You get what I mean right? Yeah. Huffing, she stomped to ammi, whispered something in her ear and pouted. Ammi seemed to agree to whatever she said as she grinned widely and slowed down to catch up with me.

I raised an eyebrow but realised that she couldn't watch my expression. So I turned to look at her and before I could ask anything, she said. "I will be back, I'm just going to that shop right there." Turning around, she went away.

Confused, I shrugged at her odd behaviour and continued to walk. Ammi stopped at a stall and started looking for something making me halt at my steps.

I was contemplating something when I heard Emaan yell my name. "Atifa!" Is this girl seriously yelling my name in the middle of a busy street?

I turned around furiously, ready to go and scold her for doing this when I saw her holding her mobile out and sitting on one knee around five meters away from me. The kids were still a good two to three meters from me. It was then that I noticed them walking towards me and I realised what she just did.

She made me turn around so that I can see the kids holding his hand. I glanced at him and saw him looking down, listening to the kids attentively. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as the kids rambled away.

They were merely a meter away from me when my gaze turned to Emaan. She was standing now, a mischievous smile on her face. My face heated up and I turned around quickly, back to ammi, only to notice her watching me intently. My gaze met hers and a knowing smile passed her lips making me looked away. Embarrassed at being caught but thankful that he didn't caught me. And I'm so thankful for my niqab right now.

I could hear the steps halting behind us. I didn't turn around knowing fully well who was standing there. I moved aside a bit, standing beside ammi but not entirely facing them. Emaan came up behind them and grinned, standing beside Alayna. A small circle was formed by the way we were standing.

"I guess I found a nice shop but let's go in and check out if it has what we want." Ammi said and turned, going towards the shop. Once again, Emaan were right beside me as we entered the shop.

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