Watch Out

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When the morning arrived, it was the start of the new day, in a way the unnies will not forget.

The maknaes had woken up at around 6 in the morning, and had gotten really bored waiting for their unnies to wake up. So they decided to do it on their own.

Dahyun ran into Momo and Jeongyeon's shared room screaming like there was a fire "WAKEY UP UNNIES!" She jumped on their bed, accidentally jumping on them at the same time.

Meanwhile the other two kids went into the big room, shared by Nayeon, Jihyo, Sana, and Mina.

Tzuyu decided to jump on Jihyo's bed while Chaeyoung started screaming "UNNIES!" While climbing onto Mina's bed.

Eventually they all got up, groaning because they most likely got jumped on by a kid. They headed into the living room, since it was a place that they can all meet.

The maknaes were still laughing, and celebrating the fact that their unnies are now awake. But the unnies aren't happy themselves.

Jeongyeon got down to eye level, to look at all of them "Girls, you never wake anyone up like that again. Please"

The maknaes nodded, and apologized for waking them up like that. Now thinking that they were in more trouble.

There was a knock on the door, which Sana went to go open only to see no one there, but a box on the floor with the words 'Mystery Guy' on it.

She brought the box inside, signaling the others to come check it out. Not opening it yet, just in case it was a trap.

Nay: "What's that?"

Sana reached over to open it. "It's from that Mystery Guy. I think it could be our watches"

Momo backed away "Wait what if it's something else that could turn us into babies"

Jihyo: "Well we could have the J-line open it, and we stand over here, away from the box"

Jihyo, Nayeon, and Jeongyeon  walked far away from the box as possible, leaving Momo, Sana, and Mina to open the box together.

Mina opened the box, to their surprise it was 6 watches with a note

'These watches have a countdown on it, so when you want to see it, say Countdown.
It can tell you the maknaes' location if something were to happen. (Tzuyu is Green, Chaeyoung is Blue, Dahyun is Red) Even when they get older, the locations will still be active and working.'

The watches had their names on it, to show who it goes to. Once they put the watches on, they were testing what he told them to do. Finding out it actually does work the way he said it would.

Mina: "This is so cool. I'm keeping this watch no matter what he says. He is not getting this back"

The others agreed with her, looking at the watches themselves. But they needed to get back on track of what's happening.

Nay: "Okay Okay, let's make some breakfast. And we can play one of our songs while breakfast is being made. It might help them a remember a little bit"

Jeongyeon put on a Twice playlist, so it could just play random Twice songs. The maknaes seemed to enjoy the music, because they were randomly dancing.

Tzuyu all of a sudden started singing her lines of the song that was playing. Which shocked everyone.

Jihyo: "Do you know this song Tzu?"

Tzu: "Uh huh, it's Feel Special, but I no know who sing it"

Jihyo smiled, walking away letting the maknaes have fun jamming out to the music.

The maknaes were well behaved all morning, so like they said before, it was time to go to the park. But they had a few complications on the way.

Mina was trying to get Chaeyoung dressed, but she was running all around the house.

Mina: "Chaeyoung! Stop! Come out on your hat"

Chaeyoung stopped after she heard Mina yell, walking back "Sorry unnie". Mina smiled, put the hat on. Finally ready to go.

Sana on the other hand was chasing Dahyun around the dorm to put on her jacket. It wasn't easy, but eventually they got it on.

Once all the craziness was over, they finally left for the park. It was a short walk, but when they got there, the kids took off playing. Letting the older ones sleep on the grass. Well except Jeongyeon, Momo and Sana.

2 hours went by, and it was time to go home. Momo and Sana went to go get the girls from the playground, while Jeongyeon woke up Jihyo, Sana, and Mina.

After a while no one was coming, Jeongyeon looked up "Let's go girls!" But nobody came. It was only after a minute Momo and Sana were running back with panic all over their faces

Momo: "Help!"

Jihyo: "What?! Huh?"

Momo couldn't find the right words, but started pointing at her watch, to tell them to look at it. Mina looked at her watch and saw the 3 dots weren't at the park, but in the wooded area. It got worse when they saw that the 3 separated

Jihyo: "They are going 3 different ways, we have to split up. I-I'll go with Momo to get Tzuyu"

Mina: "Me and Jeong are going for Chae"

Sana: "Guess it's me and you to find Dubs, Nayeon"

They all ran off, following the dots which was a little hard to do. But it was taking a long time to find them, and making the unnies panic more.

By this time, Jihyo and Mina were crying, the others were trying to comfort the others, but they stopped after a voice was heard


Each group heard the voice, deciding to follow it, the group met again, looking around Mina was the first to find the 3 girls holding hands looking lost. Finally they were found

When they got back to the dorm, Jihyo was pacing back and forth, she was trying to keep it all in and not lose her temper. She was relieved and upset at the same time.


The unnies were all hugging the maknaes, so relieved that they were okay and not hurt. Just glad to see them.

Jeongyeon: "Oh my gosh, we were so worried"

Dahyun: "Sorry, we went to play here and got lost. We walked away from the park.."

Sana: "What? Why did you walk away?"

Jihyo: "I don't know if I am mad or happy"

Dahyun: "We just wanted to play..are we in trouble?"

Chaeyoung was busy clinging onto Mina because she was scared she hurt or disappointed the penguin. While Tzuyu was holding onto Dahyun's hand, a little nervous.

(End Flashback)

The maknaes watched Jihyo pace back and forth, before she squatted to be eye level with them. Holding on their hands, and softening up a little.

Jihyo: "We should probably watch out for you girls more. Okay so let's see...I think it's time to take a nap, get a little rest. We are so disappointed in you three. You should never leave us behind like that, and you need to have someone with you at all times. We will decide on what to do, when you want up"

The maknaes nodded, and let Nayeon and Momo put them to bed. Closing the door, before heading into the living room.

Momo: " my idea? Now would be the perfect time, or we could just do it."

Mina: "No I still disagree, they are 3 and 4. Let's just stick to timeout, no playtime, the simple things."

Nay: "I honestly hate to say this, but I agree with Momo"

Jihyo: "Let's talk some more, and we'll wake them up in an hour"

They talked for a while, coming to an agreement, and waited until it was time for nap time to be over.

A/N: So should they agree with Momo, or with Mina? Spanking or no spanking?

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