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       Soooo, Let's fast-foward to A-School. I had two schools to complete in Great Lakes totaling about 7 months. A-school was fun I went on a lot of pointless dates and hung out with my besties from bootcamp. We hit the city (Chicago) by train quiet often. It was freezing as I was there all winter at it hit negative 17 degrees, but we made it through.
       I did great in school. I studied a lot because this stuff wasn't something that you learned in high school at all. I learned about circuits, breakers,  relays, and receptors. A whole bunch of electrical maps and learner to troubleshoot. I did pretty good up until the very last test. I failed it! I was so devastated and I thought it was over. I for sure was gonna be a deck seaman or have to go to school all over for an entire different rate. I didn't understand how I failed when I literally studied so hard.
       My classmates cheered me up though because over half of our class failed. We all got to retake it the next day and it ended up being exact what I had study, so I passed missing none this time. I was so happy once again I balled my eyes out from gratefulness.
      While in A-school I was also in the chapel choir. I loved it! Every chance I have to be part of a choir I'm in it.
       There's a lot of other stories like the time when me and Calloway, my A-school best friend, were in a club downtown Chicago and gunshots were fired outside, or when I met Shay, Ha! But that's a bit much for this book so I'll just make others later. That's enough about A-school let's turn the page to the next chapter my Navy life.

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