Yokohama Japan

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       I don't know when exactly it was, I'd have to get my journal I used to write in everyday when I first got to Yokosuka. I was dating this guy, let's just call him MMN2. One day he said he wanted to go to Yokohama, which was about 30 minutes away by train I think. I said sure but I also wanted two friends to come along. So, I invited my friends for the weekend trip, but they didn't end up coming along.
       I really was disappointed my girl friends didn't come. I really didn't know this guy and didn't feel comfortable alone with him in a place I didn't know. I couldn't even read the signs! I didn't know how to work the train system alone, so I definitely didn't know my way back .
       Me and MMN2 went to Yokohama, on a Friday afternoon for our date night. First stop was Friday's. I was so surprised to see a Friday's in Japan too. The menu was pretty different, but the food was so delicious. Next, we did some shopping well he did some shopping. Then we went to the grocery store where he got some liquor. Keep in mind I was only 19 at this time. If I can remember correctly he was 22 or maybe 23.
       Next we went on a search to find a hotel. I told him I did not want to sleep in the same bed and he must get a double. So, we had to go to 2 or 3 before he found one within his budget. We dropped of all the things and ours bags. Curfew was at 12am, so we had to be inside before then. I don't recall but I don't believe we were.
       I spotted a bowling alley as we were walking around the city. I begged him to take me there and play with me. I had no idea what his plans were, but he told me he wanted to go to a bar. We went to the bar and OMG. It rank of super strong Japanese cigarette smoke and was obnoxiously loud. There was a soccer game going on when we entered and I believe it was a big one. I say that because the people were really hyped about it and it was very crowded.
       Me and MMN2 sat at the bar and he ordered food. He also got a drink and asked if I wanted one. I said no but he insisted and ordered me something anyways. I was super anxious and ready to leave that place. I wanted to be back in Yokosuka with my friends. He ordered me more and more drinks, I think it was about 4. I was underage and he had me somewhere I didn't even want to be.
        Oh yeah! I forget to tell you, I didn't have a working cell phone. When I first got to Japan my American phone was cut off and I couldn't contact anyone except on base at the pay phone. I was in a very sticky situation with basically no way out. Plus I didn't speak any Japanese at all.
       After I don't know how long, we left the bar and went back to the hotel. I don't know how we got there, all I remember is I almost feel down some stairs. I was somewhat relieved because I wasn't surrounded by smoke anymore. I took a shower and put on my pajamas. It was nothing sexy at all, just a plain tee and some sofee shorts. I got into my bed which was the furthest from the door. He took and shower and I began to drift off to sleep.
       "Come here" he said. I opened my eye to see him in his boxers on the other bed. I shook my head No. "Why not! Just come cuddle with me", he insisted. I remember dragging myself to go lay beside him in this tiny twin sided bed next to mine. He rolled on top of me a just laid there for a moment.
       "STOP! Get off me! Stoooopppp!" I yelled. The walls must've been sound proof or something because no one tried to check on me. He almost ripped my shorts how he yanked them to the side to penetrate me. It literally was only about 2 minutes I believe, but it felt like forever. He finally stopped as he hugged me tight and said "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
       I didn't know what to do. I couldn't call anyone. I was scared. I didn't want to tell anyone, because who would believe me. I was dating him! I thought and thought about it for about a month before I finally reported it. I told my friends as soon as I got back to base. He had duty the next day after he attacked me, so I had to follow him back to base if I wanted to make it back.
       I became distant at work, very distant. My LPO, supervisor, noticed and talked to me about needing to be more proactive more than once. Until he finally sent me to a different department. In air department I tried my best not to let my thoughts eat me alive. I was getting my quals done as fast as I could. It wasn't until we hit Korea that I report to one of my supervisors that I was close with. She was also on the SAPR, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response team.
       I reported it and a whole investigation began. Little did I know it would take FOREVER.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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