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"Hi!" Remi squeaked, trying to sound confident towards her new seat buddy

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"Hi!" Remi squeaked, trying to sound confident towards her new seat buddy. "I'm Remi. You speak English?"

She sat down, incredibly anxious. This boy was so attractive, and she had hoped he wasn't going to be a total douche to her on her first day.

Something about his eyes didn't scream douche, though.

They screamed baby.

"Heya! Yeah! I was raised in Australia so I learned it there! You're a new student? That's awesome! It must be hard for you coming to Korea suddenly. It was for me! You're so nice!"

Remi was shocked, and blinked slowly.

Thank God.

"It hasn't been hard so far, because everyone here is so nice!" she smiled, taking out her pencil case and placing it on the table. She adjusted her chair a little and faced him so they could keep conversing.

His hair was a light blonde, his eyes bright and lavish. He was tall, but she couldn't tell how tall, because he was sitting down.

Everyone else in the class had someone next to them, and prior to Remi sitting next to him, he was alone.

Is he popular? Is everyone scared of him?

The teacher continues his lesson of explaining the colour-wheel, leaving the two to speak because he believes it'll be beneficial for them both.

He was extroverted and handsome, but his confidence and charm was the best part about him so far. His long blonde fringe dangled in his eyes, while his white teeth shined through his smile.

"So, seat buddies for a year?" Remi joked, holding her hand up for a high-five.

She really hoped she wasn't being too forward.

It took him a second, but he playfully high-fived her back, and laughed. "Seat buddies!"

The two laugh again, sharing the space looking authentically cute together.

"I'm the only one in here who speaks English and Korean, so I guess we can relate there. One of my friends named 'Felix' speaks English too. We knew each other back in Australia, and are still great friends. Where are you from?"

"You might not believe me," she fiddled with her jumper sleeve, "But Australia, too."

His eyes lit up again, "Wow! What a crazy coincidence! That's insaneee! You gotta meet Felix!"

"I'd love to!" she laughed back.

"You're so nice," Travis said, suddenly sounding emotional. "There's not many girls here like that, so I think we'll get along super well!"

Remi just laughed in response, feeling lucky to have gotten paired with someone so kind and charismatic.

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