❝ falling for u ❞ - Y. JIRO

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❝ falling for u ❞ by seventeen (jeonghan & joshua)

i wanna hold your hands
as we look in the same direction
wanna hold you tight
when we meet eyes

Enjoy Reading!


"What do you even like about Jiro, [YF/N]-neechan?" Saburo had to ask as you, Jiro, and Saburo were playing a board game he insisted on playing while waiting for Ichiro, "He's so ugly and dumb. He even got out of the game because he was too dumb."

At first, Saburo didn't like you, thinking you were like Jiro so he was quick to insult you. But when you responded with a smile and said ah, is that so? I think differently, though, he started to channel his dislike to you towards Jiro, thinking his brother was blackmailing you. But soon, this disappeared.

Instead, Saburo just thought you pitied Jiro.

He liked you, though. Because you let him insult Jiro.

"Shut up, you friendless punk!" Jiro spat, scooting closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as he stuck his tongue out at his brother.

"Hm, s'that so?" You merely hummed, not even denying what Saburo said, much to Jiro's dismay, "I like his eyes the most; they're pretty." You moved your piece after rolling the dice once it was your turn.

Jiro stared at you wide eyed, you never mentioned it to him until now.

Saburo, on the other hand, scoffed.

"My eyes are way better looking than his, nee-chan! Ichiro-nii's are the best, though!" He said proudly, rolling the dice and moving his piece, "You just haven't seen them clearly because idiot Jiro always blocks your line of sight and hogs all your attention."

Jiro looked at you, expecting you'll defend him but instead you laughed lightly.

"That may be so." Jiro groaned at you and sulked, face buried on your nape.

"I'm back!" Ichiro's voice rang and the siblings, including you, stood to greet him, though the two were more enthusiastic on their approach, "Oh, you're here, [YF/N]-chan!" He grinned at you as he ruffled his brothers' head.

"Sorry for intruding again, Ichiro-san." You bowed and flashed an apologetic smile.

"Jiro's always saying he misses nee-chan like a clingy dog." Saburo said in disgust.

"Shut it, nerd!" Jiro was about to go and hit Saburo but he stopped when he saw Ichiro patting your head.

"You're always welcome here, [YF/N]-chan! This is your home now, too!" You blushed at his statement but nevertheless grinned at him and said a small phrase of gratitude.

Jiro felt his stomach churn as he saw the two of you make eye contact.

"N-...nii-chan! We were playing a board game, wanna join us?" Jiro had to immediately interrupt as he went to you and held your hand protectively, though you were confused of this gesture, Saburo was quick to notice this.

"Let's play a staring contest instead, Ichi-nii!" Saburo chirped, pulling your hand away from Jiro's grip, dragging you and Ichiro to the living room, Jiro hurriedly went and followed you, "[YF/N]-neechan's good at staring contest, I bet Ichi-nii can defeat her, though!"

"Yeah? Bring it, [YF/N]-chan!" Ichiro playfully smirked, challenging you while you were still confused. You sighed and went along with whatever Saburo had in mind.

You and Ichiro sat in front of each other, Jiro was right beside you, arms wrapped around your waist like before, looking at you anxiously. Noticing his gaze on you, you smiled and patted his head.

"Hey, get off her, idiot! You're going to distract her!" Saburo barked at his brother who reluctantly agreed and unglued himself off you, "Now close your eyes and when I say 'go', open your eyes and remain having eye contact without blinking, okay? The loser has to buy us all ice cream!"

You and Ichiro closed your eyes together, and on Saburo's cue, you both opened your eyes and stared at each other.

It was quiet and the longer it went on, the more anxious Jiro became.

"Ah, Saburo's right..." You suddenly murmured, much to the three's confusion, "Ichiro‎-san's eyes are also pretty."

"What?" With that, Ichiro blinked and you won.

Saburo seemed like he won, too.

"You distracted me, [YF/N]-chan! No fair!" The two of you had a good laugh while Jiro was pouting, looking dejected.

Without saying a word, Jiro stood up and pulled you with him to his bedroom, leaving a confused Ichiro and a laughing Saburo in the living room.

Jiro slammed the door shut and finally let you go.

"What's wrong, Jiro?"

"Please tell me you still like me and not my brother!" He faced you with a worried expression, hands cupping your cheeks as he stared at you.

But you remained quiet only, staring back at him, his eyes anxiously gazing at you shone as if building up tears.


"I like your eyes best, after all..." You mumbled, cupping his cheeks with your small hands before smiling at him. It was evident how relief washed over him as he sighed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him.

"Don't scare me like that!" He buried his face on your nape as you chuckled, patting his head then caressing his smooth hair.

"Your eyes will always be the prettiest to me, Jiro." You reassured him, "Even if it wasn't, I'll still love you lots." You wrapped your arms around his neck and embraced him, tiptoeing slightly.

"You better mean that..." He murmured, taking in your sweet scent in a deep breath, a small smile was on his lips now that he was reassured.

"Of course. Besides, it's not possible for me to like anyone else anymore, not when I've got the coolest boyfriend ever. Even if he is a delinquent." You pulled yourself off of him and gave him a kiss near his lips, specifically where his mole was, making him blush at your action, the back of his hand covering the lower part of his face. You chuckled and said, "I just fall deeper in love with you, Jiro."

"How come you're so bold and I'm always the flustered one," He complained, "It should be the other way around!"

You only laughed and took his hand, kissing his knuckles, "I love you, Jiro, so much. Now, let's get some ice cream. Ichiro-san is treating us, yes?" You were about to pull him out of the room but he only pulled you closer to him.

"I love you, too, [YF/N]." He gave you a long, sweet kiss on the lips. Afterwards planting ticklish kisses on your cheeks, nose, and forehead, in which you giggled lightly in response.

"[YF/N]-neechan? Have you broken up with that stupid Jiro yet???"

It took you a lot of strength to stop Jiro from attacking Saburo before Ichiro, home from buying ice creams, stopped them.

They had to use the ice cream to press it on their throbbing head instead of eating it after Ichiro had hit the two of them. You comforted the sulking Jiro as he hugged you while eating your ice cream.

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