Newborn Army?

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Belle's POV:

Emmett and I walked back downstairs after putting the twins to bed and we cuddled on the couch and watched a movie. Well, I watched the movie. Emmett was watching me. He leaned down to kiss my head and I moved so he would kiss my lips instead and I held his face and kissed him sweetly. We pulled away and smiled at each other.

1 month later:
It's been a month since Isabella decided to change for the better and Edward seems happier now than he was. She has been acting normal, but everyone is still sceptical of her and we will never fully trust her but we are trying. She has slipped up and called me a slut in front of my kids and Emmett held me still so I couldn't move until I calmed down. She saw just exactly how scary I can be even if I don't turn invisible. One of Victoria's puppets broke into Isabella's bedroom and took her sweater and is passing it around to some group of newborns. Carlisle says, "We need to take turns protecting Bella and Charlie at the house."

I scoff and so does Rose. Rose says, "Another protection detail?"

Carlisle says, "She's with Edward Rosalie, Belle."

I say, "The hell I am! I have 2 babies that need me more than she does, or are you forgetting about the pack of wolves who can help us also!"

Bella scoffs and says, "Can't protect me because you believe you are above me?"

I say, "I am a mother first before I protect your ass, like you protected mine against James. Oh, wait. You didn't. Just left me in there and your brilliant plan of pepper spraying him. Their needs come before anything I want to do."

Bella scoffs again and says, "Whatever."

Jake says, "We will fight. We've never been afraid of vampires."

Bella quickly says, "No, you'll get yourselves killed! Edward! Tell them no."

Edward looks to Jasper and Jazz says, "They'll give us the numbers, and they won't know they exist."

I'm still pissed off and Emmett pulls me to him and kisses me. I hear Bella gag. Rosalie says, "What the fuck is your deal! They are one of the cutest couples in the world. They've been through so much shit that you put them through and they still came out on top. Get over yourself. I thought you were trying to be a better person and love Edward. You still managed to keep showing Belle how much you hate her and especially calling her a slut in front of her daughters and then trying to explain what you mean with out breaking down. You managed to ruin her life and she is still standing here and going to protect you when this fight happens, but you can't even manage to get your head out of your ass for a minute to realize this. You made her wedding day the worst possible day of her life, and I know you are going to make sure your's in the future is perfect. Anything she finds joy in you ruin. Well, besides her babies. She doesn't let you be around them, and I definitely don't blame her on that."

Bella gasps and says, "You're a ginormous bitch."

Rosalie smiles and says, "So, what if I am. I'm not the fucking psychotic whore who pinned for 3 different guys, one of which was taken by your cousin."

Bella gasps and slaps her in the face and Rosalie slaps her back and I giggle. Bella has tears running down her face and glares at me stating, "I wish you never came here."

I state, "Actually, I was here months before you, Isabella. So, you never should've came here. I still don't know what Edward sees in you. I have never done anything to you, but you insist on acting like this. We were all giving you a chance and you blew mine since it started. Immortality is a drug, but it isn't for everybody."

Edward says, "I'm done. We are going to get you out of danger and then I'm not going to try anymore."

Bella cries more and says, "No, Edward! Don't do this. I love you and our child."

I say, "Wow. Are you even pregnant? I can't hear a heartbeat."

Edward says, "We did it a week ago. There is no way to tell if you are pregnant or not and I used a condom."

Bella says, "I know it is yours. Mother's intuition."

I say, "You need to be a mother to have that, Isabella. You are apparently pregnant with his baby, or it could be Jacob's."

Jacob looks down and Edward frown and she says, "Shut up. The adults are talking."

I say, "Bitch. I will hurt you and make no mistake on that. I'm more of an adult than you are. I'm still a newborn and you are pissing me off majorly so watch what you FUCKING say to me."

She shakes in fear and Edward shakes his head and mouths, 'Not worth it.' He says, "It is Jacob's. He was thinking about it since they fucked over a month ago."

Bella starts to cry and says, "I want to be with you Edward! Not him."

Jacob looks crushed and Alice says, "They'll be here in 4 days. Go talk to Sam, please Jacob."

They leave and Emmett takes me outside and go deep into the forest and punch trees and destroy them in anger. Emmett stands away from me and I calm down mostly after 20 trees. I created a small place. Emmett turns me around and holds me and I calm down more as I breathe in his scent. I lay my head in the crook of his neck and we just stand there holding onto one another.

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