The Talk.

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..........Luna's POV.............
      After the insults I got from Jayson,Judy and their mom,I and Anne cleared the table and Sam and Lucy did the washing if the dishes. We wiped the plates clean and dry then Sam and Lucy went to their room while  Anne and I got our food and went to our room in the Staff residence. I knew Anne was anxious to get to know about what happened in Mrs Jones room and we're gonna talk a lot about the issues that occurred today.

“I need to go get a shower”. I said as soon as we got to our room and dropped our food on our beside tables
“Yeah,me too”. Anne replied as she walked to the second bathroom close to her closet while I walked to the first bathroom close to mine.
I wanted to pull off my wig but I made sure she gas already stepped into her bathroom and pull off the wig to allow my long light brown hair fall down my bag. I stepped into the bathroom and turn on the shower to let the cool water chill my body.

After shower,I wore my pajamas and wore my wig again while I wait for Anne to finish changing into her pajamas before we start eating.
“Hey girl,now let's begin talking”. Anne said as she took her food and plopped down on the floor beside me.
“Yah,the talk, where do I start from?” I asked her plopping a meatball in my mouth.
Anne had been pretty nice to me. She was two/three years older than I am. We shared the same hair color but she didn't know my true hair color and also the same smile and eye color which I found really weird. Since the first day she started working here, a part of my mind told me she looked familiar I just don't know where. The worst part about me  is that I don't know if I ever had a family, like parents or siblings. Since I joined the staffs on my first day, Samantha, Dawn,Laura, Aria, Kate and a  few others have been nice to me. When  Anne joined she was also nice to me which made this place  comfy for me.
Anytime the other staffs were talking about their  families,I would always feel sad about not remembering if I ever had a family or not. Anne was like a sister to me which I can't do without a day. We shared the same hobbies which was reading and listening to Music, most especially the 'Why Don't We Music'.
“Uhm..start from when you got in there first,so I'll understand much better”. She said looking at me,eagerness boldly written on her face.
“Oh,okay, when I got to her room,I overheard Jayson and his mom talking about some girl and I walked in and I heard Jayson saying 'The clumsy fool is here',I dropped the wine and poured it in the glass and gave it to Mrs Jones who was laughing at what Jayson said and I instantly felt like crying again....”
“He called you a clumsy fool?,he is so bad mannered just like his mom”. Anne said cutting me off and that gave me the chance to eat some spaghetti and gulp some apple juice before I continued talking.
“I dropped the tray and poured some wine into the glass and I gave it to Claire who was laughing at what Jayson said... I paused and drank some juice. “So,I almost felt like crying due to......”
“Your emotional self”. Anne completed my sentence with a wide grin on her face.
“Yah,you got it”. I gave her a scowl as I continued eating my food.
“Will you start talking now?”    She said through a mouthful of meatballs.
“Yah,I'm about to. So as I was about to leave the room, Claire asked me why I was fidgeting and I really wasn't, y'know she always try to pick on my nerves and make me cry. So I told her I was not fidgeting and I  began to walk out as I heard Jayson mimicking what I said which made me wish I could turn and slap him hard on the face just like his mother did to me, so my wish went backwards and got granted to Jayson.
“Wait...wait,so you mean he slapped you on the face”. Anne interrupted eyes widened in horror.
“No,he didn't, instead he pulled me back with force and I stumbled and landed my butt hard on the floor ”. I paused drinking some apple juice.
“Oh My God, your butt? Jayson is a really crazy dude,but he acts like a gentleman whenever he's with some rich girls at parties”. She said a disgusting look on her face as she said the last part.
“Well we all know his Jayson is,so I was so shocked   as I landed on my face and there was this blank look on my face while both mother and son were laughing, so I tried to get up and run out of the room as I was so embarrassed but I couldn't stand up ,I gave a few tries, I was almost up but another hit was coming so I fell back and wait for it to land on my face but just then guess who spoke”. I paused using that opportunity to eat some more food while expecting Anne's answer.
“I know who spoke,it was Mr Jones”. She said giving me a nod to continue what I was saying.

Yeah,you're right, he said stop and the hand coming towards me halted and went away from my view and Mr Jones continued speaking. He asked for the reason why they were hurting me while glaring at them. Jayson stood up and went towards the door where his father stood at then he said 'welcome dad' and as he was about to walk out of the room, Mr Jones pulled Jayson back forcefully and he landed on his butt leaving him in the same  condition as I was and I stifled a giggle and he gave me a side glare”. I stopped as I watched Anne laughing dramatically on the floor then she gave me a nod to continue.
“So,Mrs Jones walked up to Mr Jones to welcome him. As she was about to give him a hug,he walked past her and came to help me from and came to help me from the floor and I said a silent 'Thank You' and Mrs Jones gasped and she referred to me as a piece of junk her husband came to help while she was on her feet trying to welcome him home but I didn't bother....”
“So she referred to you as a piece of junk? She really is a wicked lady compared to Mr Jones who is so kind hearted”. Anne said cutting me off and a smug look on her face as she drank her orange juice.
“So I was about to walk out as Mrs Jones held my hand and told me I couldn't walk out until she was done with her wine and I told her I need to assist you in the kitchen yet she gripped my wrist tighter and Mr Jones told her to let me go and u should go assist in the kitchen but she ended up arguing with Mr Jones and I took that chance and freed my hand from her grip and ran out of the room and then I met you and the others in the kitchen where Lucy had the chance to pick on me”. I  ended and began eating my food.
“Sorry,you had to go through all that ”. She said with an apologetic smile on her face as she finished her food and poured her self some juice again.
“Hey,its OK and it ain't your fault really,it's just that I don't know who I am or where I came from or who my parents are? I just feel lonely and sad in thus big world”. I said with a depressed look on my face as I spoke every word and I felt tears brimming the sides of my eyes.
“Hey Luna,see this world is full of people who have different stories to tell about their lives,so don't feel bad for your own story,what if other people told you their stories and you found it more worse than your own story,don't feel depressed,I'm there for you even though we don't know where the future is gonna take us”. She said as she pulled me in an embrace and I stopped crying and finished my food and I got myself some more apple juice.
“Okay,let me show you about some Ming Dynasty Cup”. She said as she grabbed her phone from her bedside table and I grabbed mine also as I clicked on Wattpad and turned on my Wi-Fi and I peered into Anne's phone and saw that she was also turning on her Wi-Fi and clicked on Wattpad also and I went back to my phone and tapped on ( Bitter Sweet By:Beauty 4ever on Wattpad).
“Have you read the part where Eros Petrakis lied to Jade's sister about the Ming Dynasty Cup?”. She asked eyes still glued on her phone.
“Yeah,I remembered he said it worth a lot of money”. I said and just then she screamed.
“He lied that it worth a thirty five (35) million fucking dollars ”.
We both began laughing. Though I've read that book and the rest of its series but Anne haven't. Anne went on  Facebook and notifications from Facebook popped up on the screen on my phone and I left Wattpad with the intention of going back on it and went on Facebook. I scrolled through my message box and realized I had a message from Hailey and I tapped it.

Author's Note.
Hi everyone. Hope you're enjoying my story. I know its a pretty long chapter. So enjoy.


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