Texting Hailey.

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I scrolled through my message box and realized I had a message from Hailey and I tapped on her profile.

Hailey: Sorry about what happened at the dining room.

Me:It's really nothing,am fine.

Hailey:I felt bad because I could not help you when you needed my help the most and I called you my friend. It was because my mom was there and I know she was as harsh as my brother and Judy so I was scared of you getting more insults from her if I said anything else.

Me:Hey,you write pretty much that was the reason why it took me long to reply. Well don't be bothered by that because I am really not offended.

Hailey:At least,you dodged a slap from my brother and I swear I was surprised at your dodging skills. Maybe you're gonna have to teach me some.

Me:Why do you need dodging skills? You've got nothing and no one to be bothered about and I got no dodging skills.

Hailey:'I got no dodging skills' said the girl who dodged a slap from my brother after dinner at the table today.

Me:Really,what makes you think I got dodging skills?

Hailey:You dodged a slap though it wasn't really swift but it was super cool.

Me:Okay, I'm defeated already.

Hailey:So you gonna teach me your dodging skills?

I smiled and shook my head at her persistence.

Me:Fine,I will.

Hailey: Thank you,but before that,you have to go through some tests.

Me:What tests?

Hailey: Okay,let me explain so you can get what I mean.

Me:Okay,I'm waiting.

Hailey:I'm gonna throw some punches and kicks towards you and you're gonna dodge...em to see his good you are with your cool dodging skills.

I laughed really hard after I finished reading that which caused Anne to look from her phone and glance at me.
"What are you laughing about?" She asked,her eyes went back to her phone.
"It's Hailey she's really a funny girl,just come glance at what she said". She came over to my side and read what Hailey sent and she began laughing also. "What's with dodging skills? ". Anne said in the midst of her laughs.

Me:OK,I don't really think I am pretty good as you think because I might end up getting really hurt after our training tests.

Hailey:Hmmm... It took you so long to reply,why? I won't hurt you. If I see that you are not as good as I thought,we'll just try to teach ourselves in our terrible ways.
Me:It took me long to reply because you we're saying some crazy funny words and Anne came to glance at it and we both began laughing at what you were sending to me. And you mean you won't really hurt me;says the girl who is pretty good at kicking stuff,hu-uh,well I'll try and trust you once and see what the outcome will be. So when should we begin our training tests?

Hailey: You know what,we're gonna start our practice tomorrow morning whenever you are in your leisure. Or what do you think?

Me:Yah,that'll be great.

Hailey: So what do you wanna do now?

Me: Uhhh... Go to Wattpad and start reading love and adventure stories.

Hailey:I knew it always love and adventure stories. Well I will just chat my way before I go to bed.

Me:Well,I'm about to go start reading,Do you also find reading interesting as I do?

Hailey:I find it interesting. You think I am not a fan girl of Percy Jackson like you are. Our family residence library is filled with Percy Jackson series.

Me:Likewise our library is filled with Percy Jackson series and other books like (A Diamond In Islam).

Hailey:That's pretty cool of us,y'know about us being weird readers like my harsh sister Judy called you.

Me:Yeah,she called me a nerd most times and I feel saddened sometimes.

Hailey: Don't feel saddened friend,you know I will always be there for you to soothe your pains and worries.

Me: Thanks. That's good to know.

Hailey: You're welcome. It's nothing really,okay. Are you doing anything important over there.

Me:OK. Uhm... I am doing nothing. Why do you ask?

Hailey:It's really nothing. I just want you to come over to my room. That's all.

Me:Oh. It's cool. You mean right now?

Hailey:Yeah,right now.

Me:Okay. I'll be there right after I grab my apple juice.

Hailey:You and your apple juice like Daniel Seavey and his apple juice.

Me:Yeah. I'll soon be in your room.

"Anne,Hailey asked me to come over to her room,are you coming along?" I asked facing her.
"Nah,am good here". She replied,eyes still glued on her phone.
I went out of my room and headed to the family residence and entered Hailey's room.
"Hey Hailey, I'm here ". I said as I walked inside to seat at the side of her medium queen - sized bed.
"Yah hey,uhhmm..are you gonna walk eyes still glued on her phone as she spoke.

"Uhmm... OK, that's cool". I replied as I grabbed my apple juice and took a sip and got my phone out if my pocket.

OK,let's go". She said as she stood up and grabbed her laptop while I took my apple juice and my phone and we headed to the library and on our way she began talking.

Uhmm,sorry about what happened at the dining today". She said with an apologetic look on her face.

"How many times are you gonna apologize on that issue?, I told you it's fine". I said as we approached the library.
"Okay,I just can't stop apologizing". We both started laughing and she opened the door and switch on the lights and walked in and closed the door.
"Now let's go search for books to read". She said as she nudged me to follow her. We walked around some aisles before she found the book she wanted to read, which was 'Love After Marriage' while I took my phone and went on Wattpad and continued reading a book,which was 'A Kiss For Clumsy',then we went to a table and she dropped her laptop and I dropped my apple juice on the table and I sat down,so we both began reading.

After a few minutes, a message popped on my phone screen and it showed it was from Anne.

Anne:I'm bored here.

Me:Do you wanna come over?

Anne:Where are you guys?

Me:In the library in the family residence.

Anne:So you guys are in the library?

Me:Yeah,we are.

Anne:Ask Hailey if I could come over.

Me:I'll ask for you.

"Hailey, Anne says she's bored and she wants to join us,can she?
"Yeah,tell her to come over,that'd be cool". Hailey said not taking her eyes off her book.

Me:She says its cool.

Anne:Okay,I'll be there after I am done with a few things here.

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