The Appointment and tragedy Ch.11

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I go to give Caspar a hug and he hugs me back. Not in a manly way. In a way to where you know he wanted that hug. He doesn't deserve this much pain does he ? I walk off and Caspar slowly walks inside. I know he still loves her.

Katie has her appointment with the doctor in charge of the abortions . Her mom scheduled an appointment as soon as possible and with the best doctor there is.

The next day
We walk in and we see an old women, another pregnant woman, and two nurses at the front desk. I sit down next to the pregnant woman. Katie and her mom go up to the desk. say her name and she is handed a clipboard. she fills it out and turns it in.
It is so quiet you can here a pen drop and then Katie says something.

"I can't believe Caspar.. he won't support me in getting an abortion".

"Well... its his opinion"I tell her.

"What's your opinion ?"she asks and then my phone rings. I get up to avoid the conversation and I don't like having conversations with people on the phone in public places but it's better than talking to Katie right now.

Me: "Hello "
Caspar:it's Caspar...Oliver........
Me: What about him?
Caspar: He's dead....
Me:What?...dont play with me!
Caspar: I swear to god I'm was a car crash...he committed suicide...
Me: what?
Caspar: He purposely ran in to a car according to police....and had no alcohol in his body..he fucking killed himself.
Me:............*hangs up*

I start balling really bad and walk back in hospital.


".....Oliver....killed himself"It was really hard to say or believe. one word floated around in my head "why?". He seemed so happy.
Katie was speechless.

"Katie" one of the nurses called her back and she left with a blank look on her face. I ran out to my car and drove off. I call Caspar.

Me: ...where are you?
Caspar: the scene of the to the gas station close to the university..
Me:....I can't believe he's gone.....I'm on my way....*hangs up*.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a million days...i got grounded...and didn't feel like updating...but here's a little twist so hope you like it.

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