Heros (Final)

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A couple days later, the agents were required to return to the main base of the Dynamic Agency Fondation. Their mission in Violet Tree Town was over. They may have saved this town, but there are other people across this vast strange world that need their help.

A grey helicopter soon landed in the heliport, where all the citizens gathered with the agents to say one final thanks, and farewell.

"Lemme know when you're all ready, ok?!" The pilot of the helicopter called out while getting the vehicle ready for the trip back. The agents nodded in response, before being approached by the animals from behind.

Petunia went first, giving each agent a hug.

"Take care girls, and remember to always wash your hands for at least twenty seconds. You don't wanna get sick, especially since you're out helping others out!"

Mime gave everyone a hug, before gently tugging on Sunny's shirt.

"Hm? What is it?"

Mime instructed her to bend down, before leaning over and whispering in her ear. He then smiled before stepping back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Bella asked worriedly when she noticed Sunny beginning to tear up.

"H-He said: 'Thank you'."

Handy walked up to Bella, trying to hide his blushing face. He huffed, before looking up at her, and spreading his arms out. Bella was puzzled at first, but figured it out quickly.

"You want a hug, Handy?"

The beaver hesitantly nodded with embarrassment printed all over his face. Bella bent down and embraced him. "Aww! You don't need to be embarrassed about it, silly!" She reassured the beaver, who happily hugged her back.

"Umm... Erika?"

Erika turned to her left, where she was greeted by Sniffles with his hands behind his back.

"It's not much, but I wanted you to have this..." He said before handing Erika a small light blue notepad with a purple pen included with it.

"J-Just a little 'thank you' present..." He added shyly. Erika began to get excited, but kept herself calm as she began writing something on the notepad. She then took out the page and handed it to Sniffles.

"Thanks for everything, take care of yourself, NERD! Hahaha! Love, Erika Kurumi💙"

Sniffles chuckled at the note, before he and Erika fist-bumped.

"Hey, kid!"

Shadow turned to her right, where she was greeted by Flippy and Fliqpy.

"We can't thank you enough for what you've done for us, have a safe tr—"

Flippy was suddenly interrupted by his counterpart, who shoved him aside.

"Listen kiddo, if anyone tries to threaten you, find a nearby stove, AND SLAM THEIR FACE—"

"Woah, hey now! Don't give her any ideas!" Flippy stopped his counterpart form finishing.

"Ugh, fine."

"Take care of yourself, alright kiddo?" Fliqpy told Shadow, before saluting in her honour. Flippy soon followed, doing the same. Shadow saluted back with a bright smile on her face.
"You too!"

Cuddles have everyone a hi-five, followed by Toothy doing the same. "Thanks again for all your help." Cuddles said happily. "Be sure to visit sometime!" Toothy added.

Shadow was suddenly hugged by Russell, who appeared to be holding his emotions back. "Thank you, Shadow..." The otter's emotions got the better of him, as he began to cry quietly over the tiger's shoulder.

The Final Six of Violet Tree TownWhere stories live. Discover now