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Hello y'all. This is a draft. Trying to get my pen together. It's been long. Will reupload again after the plot tastes right. Thanks again.

'Adrian, could you wait all alone while we go shopping in the nearby village,’ Sam inquired.
'I will gladly do so,’ he replied, sitting cross legged just under a tree, enjoying the shade and tranquility as he meditated, for he needed the alone time to get used to his new gift, the gift of blindness.
'Then off we go,’ she announced, as she and the remaining four strode on the green landscape down the hill, towards the village.
Minutes rolled by, introducing more minutes, as he sat enjoying the tranquility of his soul.

'Why do hide?' Adrian inquired openly.
'Because I know you not,’ came a voice from behind the tree trunk.
'Come into the open, for I will eat you not,’ Adrian assured.
'That I know,’ the voice argued, 'but your intentions might lie far nefarious than just eating me.’
'You are correct,’ Adrian accepted defeat. 'From your height and physical outlook, you are too young to be this healthy in wisdom,’ Adrian joked, with a certain tone in his voice.
'Maybe so, maybe not. But I do have one question, how do you see me?'
'Is it that obvious,’ Adrian inquired, knowing fully well he had untied his blindfold.
'I wouldn't say so,’ the voice continued, 'but I have lived all my life with a blind man,’ the voice continued.
'I see. You have earned yourself a seat by my side,’ Adrian said tapping the ground close to him.
Sitting down, the young lad looked out into the open, studying it intently and relishing the calmness he sat into.
'I see you are enjoying what sits before you,’ the voice continued.
'If I didn't hear you well, you just pronounced me blind,’ Adrian reminded him.
'I didn't say you couldn't see,’ the voice continued.
'I don't see your destination,’ Adrian lied.
'Oh, you do see it, that I am very sure of,’ the voice continued in the calmest of tone.
'Enlighten me,’ Adrian pushed.
'You are currently engaged with the obscured oculus spell,’ he sounded.
'As I said, you are no little boy,’ Adrian said turning to face the young lad whose face calmly studied the landscape, dressed in Ankara top, knee high over a pair of black trousers, wearing a red cap.
'Why do you say such?' He inquired still studying what was before him.
'Your appearance is still a mystery to me as I sensed neither your approach nor your appearance,’ Adrian began.
'One,’ was all the boy replied.
'What do you mean by ONE?' Adrian asked.
'I am counting what you find mysterious with my personality. Since you have given yourself a quest, I will grant you three answers should you provide ten mysterious attributes to my physical presence.’
'You have no aura emanating from your presence.’
'You are actually looking at me and not the landscape before us.’
'You do not take in air as I do.’
'You were never behind that tree trunk.’
'Expantiate,’ the boy demanded.
'Your voice behind the tree was just a projection while all along, your real projection was beside me.’
'Five!!' He grinned raising his fingers.
'Your speech is full of certainties, a trait I find lacking in the brightest of your projected age group.’
'I noticed your true personality when you teleported me briefly to your true location.’
'To the normal physical eyes, I am currently conversing with a rabbit.’
'You are both physically here and at the same time, not physically here.’
'You were never alone.’
'I am surprised and yet not surprised at the same time. You noticed all within ten minutes of my presence. So, as promised, ask of me what you seek.’
'Who are you?'
'I am Ichei Amadi, ichei nu uzo, the chief at the cross roads, one of the lost, a red capped chief.
'Where did you take me previously in geographical terms?'
'Wise construction of question. You were taken to a forest whose name I cannot say. A forest you were taken whose location lies in Africa where the continent flows into the gate of all realms, a location hidden since the beginning of time.’
'Why are you here?'
'To present you with a gift is all I can say. A gift you must retrieve eastward upon coming in contact with the eyes that see the behind. He then will lead you to where you must pass into and furtherly, where you must go. Your journey must begin today, for danger never left your trail. Your companions will sound my warning once more,’ he finally said, as his voice became no more as a rabbit hopped into the lawn, pursuing whatever it saw in the lawn.

Troubled by the last message, he knew what trailed them, but it was too soon. He had expected a three-week resuscitation, but here he was taking a message just ten days after the battle.
'The balance is shifting faster every day,’ he let out, sinking deeper into his thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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