🎈First Verse 🎈

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Tis the voice in the dark,
Tis the spirit over all waters,
For land had not yet defined its purpose,
Life had not greeted it,
and chaos celebrated in the dark,
for then had I existed.

When the contract of the realms was signed,
An agreement upon all creations,
A phase in all life,
I existed.

When life sprung aces,
And races sprung life,
I walked the ends of my abode,
Cultivating the gains of my contract.

I soar with the birds, high to the heavens,
And swim with the fish, as deep as the foundations of the earth.
I whisper sweet songs to some,
And frighten others with my talons,
But I am never near.
The brave acknowledge me,
And they hold me in high esteem.
For my contract with them stops not only in blood,
But extends to breathe.
In the subtleness of existence,
My shrill voice communes with nature,
And my hand dances with the frailty of humanity.
At the sound of my voice,
Sounds of jubilations are heard,
Postures of quivering are undertaken,
For I am never near my voice,
Nor do I perceive my talons,
For I am the voice that was,
Will be,
And will end at the end of my contract.
This is my voice,
The voice of all, the fear of all,
The joy of all.

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