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With Acting Leader Octavia gone and the Octarian army backing out of Octo Valley, the Octarian civil war ended.

Inkopolis Plaza, which had been destroyed by the Octarian army, was eventually rebuilt and restored.

Unfortunately by then, Inkopolis Square, serving as the main hub for ink battles, had gained much more popularity in the time it took to rebuild the Plaza.

In the end Inkopolis Square's Deca Tower took over the role of serving as the main Turf Wars lobby.

Thanks to Defense Minister Arcus Hilgendorf's actions, he and the rest of the cabinet members managed to get re-elected and thus would maintain their position for another four years.

Lynn, Kevin and the other wounded Octarians were saved thanks to Inkopolis' medical care, with some guidance by Violet. Eventually all of them returned to Octo Valley.

Not long after, what was previously known as the Undercity had been renamed New Octopolis, this new Octarian society immediately began friendly negotiations with Inkopolis for support in rebuilding their decaying city.

Eventually a deal was made, New Octopolis was loaned some zapfish to repair their city as well as respawn points just in case they needed to fight back the Octarian army again...

Inkopolis Square.

It had been just over a year since Kal last saw Victoria.

Not too much had changed with him, he was still playing turf wars all the time, though now he was also taking the time to study and someday become an ambassador for Inkopolis, just like he said he would.

He had also started part timing at Grizzco to pay for those studies.

He saw Sky and Neon pretty often, Neon was still doing nothing but ranked matches and was as great as always.

Sky on the other hand, was the first Inkling in decades to learn the Octarian language, since he was never too good at Turf Wars he instead started tutoring Inklings in how to speak Octarian.

As for Inker, he constantly travelled between New Octopolis and Inkopolis, keeping an eye on this when he could.

He watched Octo Valley being rebuilt with Inkling support, soon New Octopolis became a bright, clean and safe underground city for Octarians, he felt that his goal of reuniting the two races had finally been accomplished.

Time to head home.

Back in Inkopolis Kal considered travelling to New Octopolis on several occasions, but figured that Victoria had things under control.

However today as he roamed the square, something caught Kal's eye.

Getting a closer look, he saw what appeared to be some Inklings talking with an Octoling.

"Hey that hairstyle looks kinda familiar..." One Inkling said

"Ah r-really?"

"Yeah I feel like I've seen it before... Oh well it doesn't matter. Say how are you at turf? My friends and I are looking for a fourth and you look fresh enough, think you can keep up with us?"

"Uhh.. sure! I'll do my best!"

Kal watched the group enter the Deca Tower.

'That was an Octoling... wasn't it?' Kal wondered.

Looking around he saw similar scenes around him.

Octolings, though they looked slightly nervous, they appeared to be getting along with the local Inklings.

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