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Part 2: Rescue (chapters 6-10)

With Melanin prison in sight, rescue seems close for Kalus, Lila and the many others who have been squidnapped, but can Inker really rescue everyone by himself? Sometimes a little help is needed.

Melanin prison, Octo Valley

Two Elites had fallen in the line of duty, they had been attacked from behind while surveying the manhole to Inkopolis, Octavia was furious and immediately blamed it on Agent 3.

Meanwhile the captain of Melanin prison had informed Octavia of Kal's friendship with Agent 3, Octavia wasted no time in giving an order.

"Kill him in the slowest and most gruesome way possible, and I want it broadcasted citywide, I want Agent 3 to watch his best friend die as painfully as possible."

That was the order that Octavia gave, but the captain believed it was a waste of a useful asset, someone like him could be "re-educated" using Octavio's methods and then inserted as a sleeper agent, that way they could first use him as bait to lure Agent 3 into a trap, and if somehow the trap failed, they would still have another shot at getting back at Agent 3.

"I want none of that! I gave you orders, carry them out, and don't you dare mention Octavio again!" Octavia scolded, she might have been hiding her opinion of Octavio to the rest of the population, but she had no reason to do so with the Elites.

While Octavio was doing things for the benefit of the Octarian race, Octavia seemed to act out of blind hatred, sometimes the captain believed she could lead better.

But now was a dark hour for Octo Valley, thus the captain of the guard set aside all thoughts of revolution for now.

Still, there was a lot of opportunity here, the captain tried to think of another solution.

"How long will it take Agent 3 to reach Melanin?" she asked

"Considering how he has never ventured deep inside Octo Valley yet? I'm guessing a minimum of four days, if you're worried about security don't be, I am sending some other Elites to help guard the prison."

"With all due respect ma'am I believe I can handle this."

"Nonsense, Agent 3 has beaten us countless times before because we were so spread out, you might be an Elite as well, but you cannot beat Agent 3 with a handful of Octolings and Octotroopers, a team of Elites will arrive at Melanin today."

The Elites were the best soldiers the Octarian army could offer right now, and the captain was one of the Elites, but still sending reinforcements so early was essentially saying "You are too incompetent to do your job so I'm taking over." It made the captain angry.

"In the meantime carry out your orders!" was Octavia's last transmission.

She might not have expressed it, but secretly the captain of the guard was angry at this turn of events, she had to somehow dispose of this anger, but going against Octavia and the Elites was suicide.

"Captain, is something bothering you?" one of the guards asked

"No" the captain replied

She turned to the surveillance cameras and saw live footage of the cells, the prisoners were all asleep.

The captain decided the best way to cool down was to let out her anger on the Inklings, after all to her; all Inklings were just as cruel and evil, the only difference was that she was much stronger, here the strong controlled the weak, she might have had orders to follow but that could wait, after all Agent 3 wouldn't be here for another four days right?

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