Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"hehe i know who you are, silly" He smiled that adorable smile of his "i'm Lauren"

"hi Lauren, you look erm, quite astonishing tonight if i do say so myself"

Oh he's so amazing, ah i could die right here, but no keep calm keep calm, you don't want him to think your like a cray cray over the top fan or he wont want to 'get to know me' as he said.

"well Harry you look um amazing as usual" He blushed a little, i just made Harry Styles blush, DID I REALLY MAKE THE HARRY EDWARD STYLES BLUSH?!?!

Just at that moment Lexi walked back into the arena


"Lexi calm down, come up here and meet the boys"

*Lexi's POV*

'The boys' ?! Woah how long was i gone for? Have they become best friends or something, ahaha, and OMG WHY, wait, HOW DID SHE MANAGE TO BE HAND IN HAND WITH HARRY FREAKIN STYLES?! Mystery to me. I quickly race over to the side of the stage and up the stairs, omg this is like a dream come true right now, meeting my 5 idols!! I step over cords connected to drums and guitars and other instruments and microphones, and make my way over to Lauren and those 5 boys that i call um, MY LIFE! Im greeted with 5 warming hugs, wow this is fantastic, we introduced ourselves, of course i knew who they were but they didn't know me yet. This is the best day of my life!

*Laurens POV*

lexi had met the boys, and my nerves were calmed down just a tad now, i didnt feel like i was going to throw up with every step i took anymore, we had warmed up to the boys, we'd gone back down to our seats but before we did, the boys gave us backstage VIP passes to visit them after the show, omggg this cant be real!


The concert was amazing, i've never screamed and yelled so much in my life, and now we get to go visit the boys backstage, aah yay!

The arena started to clear out, eventually there were just a few people left and we made our way backstage and i was automatically pulled into a warm... Quite sweaty, after concert Harry-hug, this is amazing!

"hi love" he said, smiling that adorable smile yet again, he's going to kill me with that smile and those dimples.

"hey Harry, you were all so good" the boys turned to me and flashed me all their gorgeous smiles and i smiled back.

"thanks babe, hey so erm, i was thinking, wanna come back to mine and we could like, chill out, get some pizza and watch some films or like, er you don't have to come if you don't want to but i just.."

"aw yis Harreehh id love tooo" i interrupted him, the way he stuttered was just so adorable, id love to go back to his place "Lexi i wont be home tonight, is that okay girl?"

"sure hun, go have some fun" she winked at me, oh Lexi, always thinking that way, i quickly glanced over at Harry hoping he didn't see the wink, good he didn't, he was in a fit of laughter with the lads.

*Harrys POV*

"sure hun go have some fun" that was the que, Lauren's coming home with me tonight, yaay! She looked over at me after that, i saw her out of the corner of my eye, shes so beautiful, i've never met anyone like her.


we arrived back at the flat after a short drive through Sydney, we pulled up in the driveway and i hopped out first, making my way over to Lauren's side of the car and opened the door to help her out. The car ride back wasn't silent surprisingly, we had proper conversations, not just small talk, she was really someone special, and had alot of interesting stories and such to tell me, she wasn't boring at all, i could listen to her all day. I mean, i could say i liked her, but this early into meeting her, i don't exactly know what to say to her yet, maybe she doesn't feel the same way that i do? Ah i'll think about telling her tonight, we'll see how she acts around me first but.

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