Chapter 7

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**Lauren's POV**

It was the day today, the boys were leaving Sydney and heading up to Brisbane go finish their world tour, that was their last destination.

I'd been awake all morning, since pretty much 3:00am, I've been here for 4 hours, just staring at the wall, thinking about everything, what i wanted and what i needed, what should i do and what should i just leave to be done.

Me and Harry have started talking again, we seem to be getting along fine, i can tell theres a bit of tension when were talking or together, but we'll get over it, i hope we can stay friends, i cant lose him because of a silly break up.

Zayn has kept me company while Lou has been with Harry, and Liam and Niall were spending some Niam time together i guess.

Zayn knew how to make me laugh, it was so easy to get along with him and the conversations just flowed, he was good like that, he was always there for me.

Something broke me out of my deep thoughts, a tap on the door that i recognized as the knock that Zayn usually does, i smiled at the thought of him.

"its open" i called out.

Zayn walked in and sat on the edge of my bed.

**Zayn's POV**

I walked into Lauren's room, she sat there, up straight in her bed, she looked quite tired.

"how'd you sleep Lauz?"

"mmgood" she faked a smile, i could tell it was fake, and she was lying, she didn't sleep well at all, i knew her and she wasn't telling me the truth.

"Lauren, your not telling me the truth i can see it in your eyes, whats on your mind love?" i gave her a comforting smile, she patted on the spot next to her on the bed and i climbed in as she instructed me to.

*Lauren's POV**

Zayn sat beside me and i started to explain what i was thinking about.

"its just that, well your leaving today, i'm going to miss you boys so much. Me and Harry have started talking again, like its not the same but your not going to be here, ill have to get used to the fact that ill have to find someone else to talk to while your gone, someone that understands me like you do i just-" he cut me off with a kiss, a kiss? What was he doing, did he feel the way i did about him towards me?

Our lips parted and i looked into his eyes, they were so beautiful and just ah, "Zayn..... why, why did you do that?" i whispered

"oh, um im sorry"

"no Zayn don't be sorry, i just want to know, why?"

"what if i said i wanted to Lauren, what would you do?"

"Zayn, how do you feel about me?"

Damn, it slipped out, it was like word vomit, just slipped out with no control, ah i'm so stupid, whyyyyy?

"i, uh i, Lauren i really like you, i really do. Im sorry, i think ill um go get ready, ill be back to say goodbye after i pack"

He stood up and started walking out of the room, i didn't know how to react, what to say, i felt frozen...


He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me, holding a questioning look on his face.

"Zayn, i like you, i mean i really like you too"

A smile crept onto his face and he walked back in and leaned down towards my ear and whispered

"come with me"

"what? Come with you where?" i was so confused

"come with me to Brisbane, the last place to our tour, i want you to come, ill talk to the boys, they wont mind"

Then turned on his heels and walked out, leaving me without being able to answer him.

"PACK YOUR STUFF LOVE" he called from down the hall.

He was so adorable, how could i say no right?

I jumped out of bed and quickly got ready, tied my hair up and put on a pair of sweats and started packing my suitcase.

We had a long flight ahead of us.

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