Chapter 6

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And that was it, Harry had gone upstairs, packed an overnight back, his iPhone, laptop and he was gone.

As soon as he left the room i cried, i just broke down, i can't do this, i don't even know why he's so moody lately, is he regretting this, does he want to break up, i don't want to do this anymore, i'm so sick of it.

This has been happening at least once a day since i went to meet Zayn for coffee a few days ago, Zayn and i got along well, the conversation flowed, there wasn't one bit of awkward silence, he was a really nice guy, we had become quite close. But Harry and the boys are leaving tomorrow to head to another state of Australia, and i dont want him to leave on a bad note, us fighting.. i don't know how to fix this, how can i, i need to know if we wants this relationship or should i just let it go, i don't even think theres a point in trying.

I walked out the door and over to Lou's room of the place we were staying and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door swung open.

"uh, hey Lou"

"Lauren, hi, he's um, in my room if you want to see him?"

"yeah, thanks Lou, that would be good"

He moved sideways to let me past and i walked slowly to his room where Harry was inside, i tapped on the door and waited.

"Lauren...." his voice trailed off

"Harry, i think we need to talk"

"uh yeah, come in" he let me in and shut the door behind me and came over and sat beside me on the bed.

"Harry, do you care?"

"care about what?"


"uh, yes i care about us, i just, i just don't know anymore, we fight so much Lauz"

"neither do i, should we um, keep trying or?"

"depends, what do you want Lauren?"

"i um, i... i think we should take a break"

"oh" his voice cracked, i felt horrible "okay, well is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"yeah, i should probably go"

"yep okay"

"bye Harry"

"bye Lauren."

I walked out the front door of Lou's room and shut the door, then i just ran, ran to my room that i no longer shared with Harry and slammed the door. I sat on the lounge and thought, about everything, Harry, how i didn't seem to get those 'butterflies' or the 'spark' when our hands touched or our skin made contact in any way.

Then i thought about Zayn, and how i, maybe did get those feelings, it was everything about him that made me feel like he was different, he was sort of mysterious but really nice too, he was just so funny, he seemed to make everything better, i could just talk to him about anything, i trusted him, that was special.

Was i falling in love with Zayn, was i in love with him from the start? I thought, yes, i think i am, i've never felt this way about anyone before, but i can't tell him, i just can't!

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