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So, this is it!! 

I hope you like how this story comes to an end. I think it was a fairly emotional ride for the characters but I think it all worked out in the end.

Don't forget to check out the sneak peak of Keep Love Alive, the sequel. I promise you that if you liked this story, the sequel will grab you as well ;)

Leave me your comments and votes if you like the epilogue as well. I always love reading your comments!

Love- Nat


Anna woke up as the bright morning light filtered through the wide windows. She looked at Harry who was still sleeping soundly despite the bright light and couldn’t help but smile. She got out of bed quietly trying not to wake him, wrapped herself on one of their bed sheets and walked out to the deck.

She looked out towards the clear blue ocean that could be seen from their honey moon suite and took a deep breath of that fresh morning air. The water was so clear that you could see the fish swimming while the soft waves approached the shore slowly. Anna smiled again when she thought of the last couple of days. Everything had been a little hectic, trying to put the last details of the wedding together, but finally, she and Harry were married and enjoying every bit of their honey moon.

It had been five years since they had reunited again and almost four years since they had moved in together, but it had only been the previous Christmas, six months before their wedding, when Harry had proposed to Anna on Christmas Eve. She had said yes in a heartbeat, because of course, she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life, have a family with him and grow old together.


“Nighty night” Said Harry’s mother as she waved at the two of them “Oh, I’ll leave the door unlocked in case you want to come get anything from the kitchen” She added as the two of them started walking towards the bungalow where they would be spending the night

“Night mum…” Muttered Harry

“Thanks Anne, Sweet dreams” She said a little more cheerfully as she turned to wave back at her

“You too sweetie, see you in the morning” She said with a smile as she closed the door and turned off the light, leaving only her and Harry holding hands as they walked towards the bungalow

“God… It’s so cold!” She complained

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep you warm tonight” He said smiling mischievously and making his dimples show

“You better”

“Babe… Do you remember our first time?” He asked all of a sudden, stopping at the doorway of the bungalow

Anna looked at him surprised that he would bring something like that out all of a sudden.

“Of course I remember… I was so nervous, so were you… It was so awkward” She giggled “But very good, all things considered” She said

“Yeah… It was… I was a nervous wreck… I’m surprised I even got it up” He said

“Harry!” She complained as she pushed him playfully “Don’t ruin the memory… It was beautiful”

Harry laughed and shook his head before he leaned in and planted a soft kiss in Anna’s lips

“Come on, just open the door, I’m freezing out here” She whined as she tried to warm her hands rubbing them against each other

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