28- Time To Say It's Over

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I'm glad to see there are more people reading this :) Thank you for taking the time to read it and voting and commenting. I hope you know this means the world to me! I love to share my story with you guys!

I hope you guys stick to this story because there's still lots to come!!


Nat Xx


Anna sat on a chair at her kitchen table with a glass of orange juice untouched in front of her while she stared blankly at the wall. She was replaying in her mind the conversation she had with Mollie the night before

“Oh sweetie” Said Mollie after she had told her about what had happened the previous Saturday after she didn’t get on her train and how she wasn’t able to face either Harry or Zayn, and how her conversation with Louis had made her realize that she had started falling for Zayn without even knowing it

“I don’t know what to do” Said Anna sobbing

“Well for starters you need to calm down, take a few deep breaths” Said Mollie and Anna did as she was told “Then…Even though I know it’s complicated, you need to think about what you’re going to do next”

“It’s so hard…How can I choose any of them without hurting the other?”  Said Anna

“Well, I think for now you’re just hurting yourself more than you could hurt any of them” Said Mollie

“I wish I could just disappear…you know? It’ll make everything much easier and a lot less painful” Said Anna

“Yes…but it’s not like you could just escape to America like you did before” Said Mollie “You’ve just moved back”

Anna was silent for a moment while she meditated Mollie’s words before speaking again

“That’s it…” Said Anna

“What’s it?” Asked Mollie sounding confused

“I’m going back to America” Stated Anna

“What? No! That’s not what I said! I said things are not like they were before so you cannot move back there, you hear me?” Said Mollie

“Molls…” Said Anna

“No! Don’t do it! Anna…I just got you back!” Said Mollie

“Molls…you see why I have to do this? I keep hurting everyone with everything I do…I need to just stay away” Said Anna letting another sob escape

“But staying away doesn’t mean you have to go back to America…Don’t do it…please” Begged Mollie

Anna let out a sigh. Now on top of everything she was hurting Mollie and that, in her book was as bad as hurting Harry or Zayn

“I just…I know that if I stay I won’t be able to stay away from them…I’m going crazy, I can’t concentrate at work, I can’t stop crying…I’m just so tired…” Explained Anna

Anna and Mollie stayed silent for a moment in which they could only hear each other’s breathing on the phone

“I wish you didn’t have to go, but if it will make you feel better, then you should do it” Said Mollie

“Thank you for understanding” Said Anna

“So…does this mean you don’t won’t any of them?” Asked Mollie

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