Dick Grayson X Vigilante!Reader

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Yoyoyo my dudes this is a one shot requested by the wonderful LovesickHeroReader, go check out their stuff!

WARNING: Season 2 spoilers
You all remember when Artemis faked her death so she could help Kaldur by becoming the villain Tigress?
Well in this one shot, the reader is doing that instead.

"Are you sure about this Y/N?" Dick asks for what seems to be the millionth time.

"Babe," you rest a hand on his face, "trust me. I'll be fine. It's only for a couple weeks."

He looks at you, his pale blue eyes shimmering like the moon itself. He pulls you into his arms and wraps you in a tight hug, burying his face in your hair.

"I know." He whispers softly, "I just couldn't bare to lose you Y/N. You are everything to me."

You smile and lift his head up, cupping his face in your hands. You look at him hard and realise there are tears dripping down his face.

"Oh babe." You feel your eyes prick with tears too. You lean forward and slowly kiss each tear, the salty taste reaching your lips. You rest your forehead against his and look deeply into his eyes.

"I promise you. I'll be ok. But you need to be strong for me Dick. I can't do this without you."

He nods. Wipes the tears from his eyes, and smiles, although it's clear that he still doesn't want to let you go.

He reaches up to cup your face in his hands, and he kisses you one last time, sorrow, guilt and passion all rolling into one. He holds your hand as you walk towards the door and step through it into the briefing room.

Once you enter you are greeted by Kaldur'aan, dressed in his Black Manta uniform, he nods his head at you and smiles. You nod back.

"Are you in? If it's too much I can ask Artemis instead... it's just that she's retired and I didn't want to pull her back into the field."

"No, no, it's ok." You glance carefully at Dick one last time, just to make sure he's ok with it. He nods confidently.

"I'm in. Let's do this."

-- Time Skip --

The battle between the team and Black Manta's small army rages violently. You are thrown off of your feet by an explosion, what could only be a land mine hidden below the ground.

"Watch out for mines you guys!" You yell into your com, gritting your teeth as you stumble back up onto your feet.

"Roger that." You hear Red Arrow respond before grunting and landing on the ground next to you.

Almost immediately you spot Kaldur, rising up out of the ocean and battling with Nightwing.

You scream Dick's name and race over to help him, just like you guys had rehearsed.
You are vaguely aware of Roy yelling at you to stop, but you ignore him and plow on, taking out a few of Manta's men along the way.

Just as you reach them Kaldur strikes a quick, hard blow to Dick's leg, sending him to the ground. Instantly you rush to protect him, and in mere moments you and Kaldur are locked in a vicious combat.

He smiles at you as you deliver a blow to his side, but he barely moves an inch.

"Why Kaldur? Why betray everyone you ever loved?" You scream, the rain streaking across your face. You really are a good actor and you applaud yourself mentally.

"Because, my dear," he growls back, an evil grin spread across his face as he kicks you to the ground, seperating you from your weapon. You hear your team screaming your name as you look up at kaldur, and the fear in your eyes is very real.

"Blood, is thicker than water."

He fires his weapon once into your stomach. You gasp, your eyes widen, and you fall to the ground, clutching your wound. For a moment you forget that you're acting. Fake blood begins to seep through your clothes and you grunt in pain.

He stands over you, a grim look set on his face as he turns to charge away back into the sea. That must have been hard for him to do.

"Y/N!!" Dick screams your name like an animal as he runs over to you, finally having "recovered" from his fight with Kaldur.
He drops to his knees and looks over your body.

Your chest is rising and falling, but slowly, it comes to a stop. Desperately Dick puts his hands over your heart, doing CPR, trying with all his strength to keep your heart beating.
Your chest lies still, your breathing stops.

Dick lifts your lifeless body onto his knees and rests his forehead on your own.

"Y/N?" He whispers softly, disbelief and shock cradling his features. Tears pour down his face and drip onto your unmoving body, tracing a path from him to you.

He screams your name again and again, over and over until his voice is raw. He's practically shaking with grief. He moans your name, but he knows your not coming back. You're gone.

Roy cautiously makes his way over. "Nightwing?" He questions, "what's going on?" Roy is one of your closest friends, one of the hardest to lie to.

When he spots your body, stiff and lifeless in Dick's arms, you hear his breath catch in his throat over the comms.
He drops to his knees. He sits there and stares at something he can't believe.

"No." He whispers.

"NO!" He screams. His body jerks up towards the sky and he screams, for what feels like hours. He screams like an animal, all inhuman and twisted with pain.

All you want is to get up off the ground, to go over and hold him in your arms, to tell him everything is ok. That you are ok. But you can't. The mission, it's too important. And you know it.

Roy's outburst has set Dick off again, and he begins to sob uncontrollably, gripping your body and moaning inaudible words.

It's too much!

You squeeze Dick's hand to shake him back into reality. He stops crying for just a second and nods surreptitiously. He picks you up off the ground and carries your "corpse" bridal style in a slow, grief-stricken walk past the rest of the team.

The rain continues to pour, the thunder rumbles in and you hear the sudden, pain wrenching cries of remorse from each team member as Dick walks past.

M'gann walks with him, her silent tears and quiet sobbing somehow worse than the animalistic cries of the boys. You can sense it. A piece of her has just died.

It makes you hope you never actually die, you couldn't bear to put them through this twice.

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