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Jeongin's POV


She called me an aquatince.

That idiot Jeno who's always around her is an aquatince.

Does she even know him that well?

Why the hell is he holding her hand?

Why does she seem so happy with him?

I looked in the bag with my clothes in it. I should have told her to keep it.

Now she's probably borrowing Jeno's clothes. What so great about him anyways?

If it's about money I have that too and way more than he does.

Is he buying her stuff to keep her around him?
Should I do that?

I mean if it's keeping him around, it'll keep me around too. I pulled out my phone calling Minho.

"What the hell do you need Jeongin? I'm in the middle of something"- Minho

"I need you to drive me to the mall"- Jeongin

"Why me ask Seungmin or Hyunjin or I don't know who"- Minho

"But you're the one who's good at gift giving. Please I'll buy you whatever you like"- Jeongin

"Okay, but what for good reason do you need me?"- Minho

"I need to get Y/N back. So maybe if I get her a good gift she'll want to talk to me again"- Jeongin

"Wait...Wait... so you're going to bribe her to listening to you"- Minho

"More or less"- Jeongin

"Fine I'll pick you up"- Minho

"Thanks"- Jeongin

I hung up the call and headed towards my locker to grab my bag. I couldn't help, but notice the girl standing right in front of my locker.

Yes, a girl. Specifically the one that I was with at the party.

"Jeongin! I was wondering where you were!"- Minhee

"Why are still following me around?"- Jeongin

"Because this is what our parents agreed on"- Minhee

"Well that's not what I agreed on. You stay 10 feet away from me at all times"- Jeongin

She rolled her eyes at me and came closer.

"Stop making up excuses, Jeongin. We're gonna end up getting married anyways let's just embrace it"- Minhee

"No thanks"- Jeongin

"You can't say no thanks to me. You're parents signed the contract. We're going to have a future together weather you like it or not"- Minhee

She walked away pissed off as always. I don't have time to worry about her, I need to focus on getting Y/N a gift.

"Jeongin! Why weren't you answering your calls?"- Minho

"Sorry, I was dealing with someone"- Jeongin

"If you're gonna expect me to pick you up next time make sure you answer your calls or else I might just leave you on the side of the road"- Minho

I laughed at him and he seemed to get angrier then he already was to begin with.

"Do you have a death wish?"- Minho

"No, sorry. Can we go to the mall now?"- Jeongin

"Yeah, if you make it there"- Minho

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