How he tells you

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You walked into the dining hall, and took a seat next to Newt, who looked stressed out. His hands were sweaty, and he was biting his lip nervously. "You okay Newt?" You ask him questioningly " Uh...not really actually..." He said, before continuing. "Wanna go outside?" "Okay" I told him. We walked outside before we sat down on a log, facing each other. I searched his eyes for something. Anything really. Nothing. "Um...I uh kinda like you" He says. ...Huh...did not see that coming..."I like you too Newt!" You say smiling. "Um, I don't think you understand. I mean as in more than friends..."He said, looking strait into your eyes. "I know shuckface." You say laughing. He laughs. "So...will you go out with me?" "yes." you say "WHEW." Newt says. "Feels good to get that off my chest" You laugh."I bet"


Thomas just comes up to you and kisses you. Then you both look away blushing, before he says sweetly: "Be mine?" you giggle "okie dokie" Then he kisses you again. 


Minho had just gotton back from the maze. He knew he had to find you and tell you how he felt, before he chickened out...again. He had tried like three times. Then, he saw you walking towards homestead. "(Y/N)!" He called. You turned you're head and saw Minho running towards you.  "Hi Minho!" You say giving him a hug once he reached you. "Um..Ijustwantedtotellyouthatireallylikeyou..likemorethanafriend" Minho said quickly. You heard him, but just barely. You thought it was weird that Minho seemed scared. Minho scared? You smiled at him. "I was wondering if maybe you'd maybe wanted to go out with me...I mean If not thats totally okay, I under-" You cut him off. "You talk too much" You say before leaning in and kissing him gently. He responded imediately and kissed you back lovingly. 


Gally jogs up to you shirtless. Whew! Then you realize you're staring. "Huh..sorry" you say nervously. "No brob" He says smiling. Then his face goes serious "I like you (Y/N)." Gally says showing no sign of nervousness. "I like you too." You say, just as confident. Then his face lights up and he hugs you tightly. You hug him back. "Be my girlfriend?" Gally asks. "yep" You say, popping the "P". 

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