Chapter 33

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Demi's POV

A week. A whole fucking week without talking or seeing Wilmer.

I shoved my face in the pillow and let out heart wrenching sobs. I miss Wilmer so damn bad and I have no idea if I'll ever get him back.

I just have this feeling that Annie is just pretending to miss Wilmer for the sake of my happiness. Or, maybe she really does miss him... For the sake of my happiness. I want someone for Annie who loves her unconditionally with no questions asked.. And I'm afraid Wilmer only loves Annie for.. My happiness.

It always comes down to my happiness and it should start mattering about theirs, too. Annie deserves someone who's never harmed her, whom she truly enjoys being around. Wilmer deserves a girl who doesn't go on world tours, and who doesn't put a thirteen year old girl before him. He needs a fresh relationship with no kid involved.

Knock knock knock, "Momma, Madison and I are ready.."

"I'll be down in a minute," I called back.

Im taking Madison and Annie back to school shopping, considering their first day is tomorrow.

Annie has been miserable and it confuses me. She hates Wilmer.. I just don't understand why she's so upset. This is her dream. Maybe she really does like him.. It's just to late.

I just need fucking time to think.

I walked into my closet and threw some clothes on before grabbing my phone and jogging down the staircase.

"Lets go!" I called, opening the door and walking out.

Everything I see reminds me of Wilmer. Every song I listen to somehow goes right back to Wilmer. I can't do shit without thinking of him and it's slowly killing me. The only thing that's keeping me grounded is Annie.

I closed my car door and roared up the engine, expecting to look up and see them coming out the door but they weren't. Oh my gosh. I'd much rather to stay home all day, so if they'd hurry up that's be great.

I honked my horn three times and finally, they came slowly walking out, looking at their phones and stopping occasionally to laugh at something. ALL ON THE WAY TO THE CAR.

I rolled down the window and shouted, "What the hell are you guys doing?! Hurry up!"

Their heads snapped up and they exchanged a worried glance before hurrying into the car.

I peeled out of the driveway once they got in and began our journey to the mall.

"I'm just afraid we're going to be, like, outsiders when we get to school because they've been going for months, whilst we did it online," I heard Madison say.

"We're already outsiders, Mads."

I kinked my eyebrow up and tried to register what she means by that. I shrugged it off and turned on the radio.

"Can you change this?" Annie asked from the back.

"No," I snapped.

It was just a Katy Perry song, why the hell can't they listen to it?

... Am I being moody?


I wonder what Wilmer is doing at this exact moment. Is he thinking of me? Is he working? Wait.. Meurtoons.



"Have you been working on Muertoons?" I curiously asked. I totally just gave away I want to know what Wilmer is doing.

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