09: Like, frost my cake and call me Betty Crocker

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|09: Like, frost my cake and call me Betty Crocker|

"Mm... Diana! Why are you so comfy?"

"Get the hell off of me, Steve,"

"Gee, what's your issue? You're so squishy and I love it,"

"Steve, Diana, it's nap time. Shh,"

"Sorry, Ms. Rhye,"

Carefully, I lift up my head from my arms, lying it on its side, staring at Toryn's empty chair. Slumped over bodies lie on the couple rows over, some snoring and some completely silent.

The room around me was dull, quiet, other than the few outbursts of conversations from classmates. Rain patters again the medium sized windows that decorate the walls of the class. The sound of my heartbeat was overpowering the rain in my ears.

Class just started about fifteen minutes ago, and Ms. Rhye told us how she's running on three hours of sleep because a new season of her T.V. show came out, so we're taking naps. Usually, I'd throw a party and celebrate like nobody's business, I love sleeping. Only I can't be excited because tthere's one problem.

Toryn didn't show up to school today.

You see, I have my phone set to vibrate for alarms, messages, and even phone calls. So when the vibration woke me up at two in the morning, I honestly wasn't surprised that Toryn was calling me. But, it wasn't Toryn on the other end of the line, it was his dad.

Turns out Toryn kept throwing up and blowing up a storm in the bathroom, if you catch my drift. His dad says it's because he ate something he's severely allergic to.

I'm not going to stay after school today, because I want to go to the store and get him something. It's going to be a surprise though so I haven't told him.

Obviously, I feel bad for Toryn. He probably feels like doodoo. But I also feel like doodoo because once kids saw that I'm by my lonesome today, that news spread like a wildfire and everyone has had their turns with insulting me.

I couldn't even try looking for Zoe, the girl from yesterday, because there was a couple of kids who kept following and pestering me. I wanted to make sure she's okay, but I can barely do that.

Oh, but Toryn wasn't the only one who didn't show up today. Nemo didn't show up either. I don't even know what's his excuse, but I know it's none of my concern nor does it have anything to do with me.

The only person I really have is Ryan. And he's down in the freshmen hall. I'd go to Rory but it kind of feels weird seeing how we only every really talk when Nemo's here. Amber is out of the question because she and I never really 'hang' out like that. We're more of the friends who are only friends because they're in the same club.


I just want to have someone I know well enough around me. It's scary to be alone and vulnerable.

Maybe if I take some karate classes. Grandpa knows a guy named Brock who'd be willing to teach me. And by teach, he'd probably kick me out a window. I've seen him in action.

"Can you believe she even tried to pick a fight with Kevin yesterday?" a girl whispers from behind me. A chill goes down my spine, and I immediately put my head back down.

Here we go again.

"I heard she jumped him,"

I gulp, opening my mouth to allow more air to fill my lungs. I couldn't breathe. And it didn't help that I was blocking my head with my arms.

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