~a normal morning~

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Hosuh's POV
"No, not now, not again".
The o so familiar taste of copper and the bitterness of flowers, that are paired with the felling of my chest caving in, an unbearable pain. One I have felt for longer than I would have ever hoped. I strip the bed of the covers as a make a run for the bathroom. Soon my head is hanging over the toilet and I gag as the pretty violet flowers now coated in a crimson red fall to the water. Unfortunately this became the normal morning for hosuh lee, about a year and a half ago. I wipe my mouth and soon tears start to stream down my face. " I-I I don't want to do t-this anymore" I cry. Why dose it have to be like this what did I do to deserve this? I don't want this. Why won't it stop! Soon I'm nothing more than a broken doll laying on the floor of the bathroom. The tears are endless and so is the pain. The pain of a broken heart. The pain of a broken mind. The pain of wanting nothing more than to disappear.

~~~time skip Hos is now on his way to school~~
Ann picks me up for school everyday, I'm pretty sure this is her way to flex that she can drive and I can't, it's not that I can't I just choose not to. After a short 15 minutes we pull in to the school parking lot and get out of the car. "I'll see you later Ann, thanks for the ride" I tell Ann as we part ways. " you too Hosuh, but hey maybe Learn how to drive" she teases.
I walk through the over crowded hallways, keeping my eyes glued to the floor. Until I hear a voice that was flooding with warmth and it called " hey hos, where you going?" Without needing to look up I know who that voice belongs to, its Stephen. "Earth to hosuh" he calls. " Hey, yeah, sorry, what's up do you need anything" I reply. "Well I mean I wouldn't have taken you to be one to skip class" he laughs I stare at him in confusion " I was just on my way to class" I state. "Well hate to tell ya but you just walked right passed the class" he continued to laugh. "Oh thanks, sorry" I say embarrassed. "Quit apologizing and let's go we'll be late" he grabs my arm and pulls me in to the classroom. I look away as I feel my face start to flush.
    Stephen takes a seat at the back of the class and pulls me next to him. Class stars, I have never been fond of geography, to be frank it's quite boring and useless, so I take out my sketch book and start to sketch what ever comes to mind, a few anime characters walk through my mind followed by some friends like Gavin, Ann and Stephen. Then my mind wanders. Stephen. . . The flowers, the feeling, the fate, the fate that was mine, but would never be mine to control. I start to panic as my throat grow dry again, the bitter sweet taste returning to my mouth and the tears pricking at my eyes. No, no. Not now, not here, not in front of him. Crap! "Excuse me, Mrs. I don't feel so good, could I go to the washroom, please." I ask gently to the teacher standing at the front of the room. "Of course you may, Hosuh". She reply's Sweetly. I look down to Stephen with eyes of reassurance. The last thing I want is him to get worried and follow after me. He seems to understand my look and nods, and with that I exit the room.
   I make my way down the empty halls unable to keep the tears from spilling from my eyes. After what feels like and eternity I see the bathroom door through my blurred vision, I rush in to the stall. Thank god the bathrooms
were empty. And once again I'm in same position, head hanging over the toilet as the crimson covered petals fall to the water, the blood spreading out in the water and soon it's over, and I'm left alone the tears that were streaming down my face quickly turned to sobs.
   "hosuh, are you in here? are you alright buddy?" A familiar voice calls.  Crap no no no not him not now. I try my best to ignore him hoping he will leave. Hear him lean on the wall next to the stall. "Hosuh, I know your in there, it's okay I'm here, your going to be okay" he calls "thanks, Stephen." I say between sobs "shit, Hosuh are you crying! Open up the door now!" He yells "no" I replied I can't let him see me like this, not the flours, not the blood, not the tears, I can't. I hear the door click then swing open "H-Hosuh what the hell happened" he looks horrified staring at the blood the tears all surrounding me sitting on the floor. "How did you" I start but am quickly cut off. "I asked you a question." He says with a tint of sadness to his voice. "Let's go I'm taking you to the nurse" he says almost angry. "N-no I'm fine okay. It's my body I know what's happening I don't need help. The nurse will only tell me what I already know." I say without making eye contact with Stephen. "HOSUH YOUR COVERD IN BLOOD IM TAKING YOU TO THE NURSE AND YOUR NOT ARGUING!" He yells. It almost scares me I haven't seen him get like this in a while. He got so protective. I don't bother giving him an answer instead I just nod as I begin to stand. Before I'm even fully on my feet I feel Stephen lift me off the ground and begin to carry me. "I-I can walk you know" I say looking down to the side slightly embarrassed "no I don't want you running away or falling" he says half joking. My face heats up as he carries me out the wash room and down the hallway.

Total word count: 1040

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