~The best days of my life~

437 14 4

Hosuh's POV

I find myself desperately gasping for air as I rush over to the bathroom, quickly yet quietly. I try my hardest not to wake up Stephen. I let my head hang over the toilet, the flowers are never ending, I almost black out do to not getting enough air. Why was it so much harder today, so much more painful, and just so much more. After a good 20 minutes, all of the flowers had finally been strained from my air way, I could breath comfortably, unlike the past 15 where I could breath but it was a struggle. I sit there the pain only growing to the point where I felt as though I needed to scream. help me Stephen- please. My ribs caving in, feeling as though they will snap at any given moment. My heart being both so happy yet to sad, so hurt, it's feels as though it's going to burst. It's come to the point where my body can no longer support its self, I fall to the floor. The tears start again, flowing in to a warm puddle one the floor. A puddle so shallow, yet so deep, deep enough for me to drown, not in water but in thoughts. Thoughts that brought me to a final conclusion. My hanakai has peeked. I have been dealing with it for just over a year and a half, I only have a few months left. A few months till the flowers consume my whole being. For the first time it hit me, The fear of death. I don't want to die, however it may be unavoidable. I can't afford the surgery, and Stephen doesn't like me back, if I told him it would only result in me losing him. I would die either way. "Damn, I could save my self some pain and just off myself. Ha who am I kidding I wouldn't be able to follow through." I laugh sadly.
    After a few minutes of crying and cleanup I return to the couch, I had been sleeping in it was now 8:30am. Stephen is still asleep, thank god, I try my best to do so myself. I sit back and close my eyes. After many efforts I give up on trying to sleep. I'll go make us breakfast, take my mind off what I know. I walk over to the kitchen already knowing what to make, something simple, something sweet and salty. Pancakes and bacon, Me and Stephens favourite. I look up to where the bowls are, the thought of Stephen pinning me to the wall while grabbing the bowls flood My mind. I feel the blush on my face grow as I smile like an idiot. "Welp, here goes nothing." I climb in to the counter to grab the bowls. I grab one and hop down. I finish making the pancakes, now for the bacon. The room already smells really good, but the smell of bacon, amazing.
     "Morning hos" the warm voice calls out causing me to jump. "Next time give me a warning, jeez. you scared me" I mumble. "Sorry hos" he reply's wiping the tired from his eyes. Suddenly a pair of arm wrap around me, sending me to the moon. My heart stopped and my face flushed. I had no time to prepare my self for this! Stephen had clung to me from the back, his head resting on my shoulder, His arms placed gently on my waist. My heart was hammering. You don't know what your doing to me. I thought. After a couple seconds he lets go and grabs the finished food. "Ah my favourite, thanks Hos!" He smiles.
    We finished eating and I head up to the spare room for a "nap" at least that's what I told Stephen. I close the door behind me and flop on the bed. I take a while to thinks about all that has happened, the fact that I would die in only a few months, Stephen being oddly clingy and who I was going to tell. It didn't require much time I knew from the beginning Ann would be the one I would tell. I grab my phone and call her. I knew if I didn't tell her now, I would only end up overthinking it and not do it.
"Hey Hosuh, what's up?" Ann asks happily. "I have something I need to tell you..." With that I continued Ann took it really well, maybe too well. She laughed when she herd it was about Stephen, saying it was obvious. She seemed fine, until I told her I only had a few more months left. I herd her voice break as she pleaded that I at least try to tell Stephen. I had never seen or herd Ann cry, she was always so happy, I didn't want her to lose that. And there is when I promised Ann I would tell Stephen, with her help obviously. It wouldn't happen anytime soon I wasn't ready yet but hopefully I would be. We say our good byes and I hang up. I'm glad I called her, I didn't have to lie to her anymore, I had someone I could talk to. The talk helped me clear my mind and I promised myself I would live the rest of my life to the fullest. I would every second, spending all the time I could with the ones I loved, with Stephen. I'd make memories that would last a life time before it all ended. Once I tell stephen it will all crumble he will walk a out of my life I just know it. I would die happy, I'd live a life full of amazing memories. And that's exactly what I did.
for the next few months I spent all the time I could with my friends. I was truly happy. We did stuff like go to the movies, team up in laser tag, goof off while playing games, we went on trips to everywhere and anywhere. we went to parties, Got wasted and just had fun. I created some of the best memories of my life in the short spand of a couple months. Ann was always there when I was upset she saw right through me, and she made living through the hell of hanakai so much easier. And for Stephen I only fell deeper in love everyday, he was always next to me no matter where we went, it was almost like he was trying to protect me. The warmth in his smile was enough to make my heart melt everytime. God I wish this would last forever. But as time passed things got worse. It was no longer just the morning and afternoon the hanakai attacks were happening, they started happening 4 times a day. But didn't cry as much anymore I accepted my fate, I was happy that I could spend my last days with those dearest to me. But soon it was cut short. I was no longer by their sides, But instead they were by the side of my hospital bed.

Total word count: 1192

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