~a couple questions~

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Stephen's POV

   He wore a smile so bright it lit up the room as he took my hand in his. How can he be so strong? Even with all this weighing on him, his life on its last threads, and yet he still smiling brighter than anyone I have ever seen. I smile I'm happy I'll finally figure out who is causing him this i feel hint of jealousy roll over me, I push it aside. As long as he ends up okay and heathy again, that's all I want. I don't care if it's not me that he wants. But if he's okay by the end of this I'll be happy. "Alrighty let's go then, let's pack up your stuff and have the time of our lives." I say never breaking the eye contact we held. His deep blue eyes swirled with emotion to the point where I couldn't read him anymore. Ann assists Hosuh and me in our clean up of his hospital room. Taking all of his belongings to Anns Volkswagen down stairs. Ann takes Hosuh home to pack. I tell them I'll pick him up at 08:00 the next morning. I wave them good bye and we part ways.

~Time skip~
Hosuh's POV
Ann and i finish unloading the car and we make our way up to my room. "Im proud of you Hosuh." Ann laughs. "What why?" I ask. "Well you easily could of said no to Stephens offer. This is big, you guys are going away together." She adds. "Well it's either that or I die." We are now both laughing. "Okay now help me pack." I demand. "Yes sir!" Add reply's. We fishing packing and watch a few movies.
"Alrighty Ann I'm going to head of to bed now. Have a good night." I yawn. There was a lot on my mind, excitement, fear, relief, worry. But I knew I was finally ready, I would tell him all of it. The way my heart pounds when he's close, and the euphoria that just the thought of him gives me. I set my thoughts to rest and follow suit. Soon everything went black I drifted between the living and the dead, this was a place between both worlds. I could do anything I wanted. I danced along side Stephen, we watched movies and he held me close, I was so happy. We fell asleep in each other's arms, and i smiled like a dork. The world in which felt like a forever euphoria started to crumble around me, and soon I was awake again, but now it's was 07:00. Stephen would be here in an hour. After I finish up in the bathroom, with my hanakai and just getting ready. I rush to Ann's room.
   "Ann! Wake up!!" I yell from outside her door. "I'm down here you dork!" She yells back from the kitchen. I walk down the stairs a meet her in with a big smile and blush. "30 more minutes." She says. I feel my blush deepen. "Do you want to help me bring everything down the stairs?" I ask. She nods in response and we make our way up the stairs and grab all my stuff.
    15 more minutes. At this point I was kinda freaking out, I was having second thoughts and I was scared. As per usual Ann helped me through it all. We are in the middle of a conversation when we hear a nock at the door, My face instantly burns up and Ann laughs. "Don't worry I'll get it" she teases. Just like that she's gone I'm left sitting in the kitchen until I see him.
    "Morning Hos," Stephen calls from the entrance of the kitchen his voice so warm and eyes so calm. I turn around and I'm speechless, he seemed different, in a good way. I didn't trust my mouth or words so instead of replying I race over and hug him. He holds me in his arms for what felt like an eternity. He was so warm and I felt so comfortable in him arms, they wrapped around my upper back and waist perfectly. It's like we were two pieces of a puzzle. Soon he let his arms drop and he looked down to me. "Are you ready to go?" He asked in a tone that made my heart race. "Always." I reply trying my hardest to hide my blush. "Then let's go." We both smile.

~Time skip~

   We finished loading up the car and said our final goodbyes to Ann. Now it was time for the drive. I could tell Stephen knew I was nervous, he put on the music I loved and played it loud, he rolled the windows down and handed me a pair of sunglasses. "Let's jam!" He said so seriously yet so jokingly at the same time, all I could do in response was laugh. "What you got no jams?!" He adds. At this point we are both laughing hysterically. We haven't even been gone for 10 minutes and I'm already having so much fun with him. This weekend seems promising.
   We continue our drive for a couple more hours, singing and dancing to the best of our ability's while sitting in a car. Stephen refused to tell me where we were going but I didn't care I trusted him. And with that we pull into a hotel parking lot, the large building was right across Olive Garden and Walmart. "Alrighty we're here!" Stephen shouts pulling off his glasses as if he were in a comedy cops and robbers movie. "Hec yeah!" I yell doing the same thing. We get all of our stuff out of the car and make our way to the hotel. The entire walk Stephen kept offering to take my luggage, along with his own, I only laughed at the worry on his face caused by me carrying a suitcase.
     We get up to our room and its quite large it has 2 beds, a tv a small bathroom and a mini fridge. "I call the bed farthest from the door!" I yell as I race over to the bed and drop all my luggage next to it before face planting on to the soft covers. I hear Stephen laugh in the distance. We finished getting settled in and it's now about 16:00 (4:00pm). "So what do you say we walk over to the Olive Garden for dinner, I'm getting a bit hungry." He says while rubbing his stomach and running his other hand through his hair. "Im down for anything food rights now." I reply also rubbing my stomach.
   We walked over to the Olive Garden and we were seated right away. We both take a look at the menu, Stephen decides on the mushroom ravioli and I decided on the shrimp fettuccine Alfredo. We order our food and now we wait. "So if you wanna start with some minor questions about this "special someone" I have lots to ask." He says in a welcoming comforting tone of voice. "Sure why not, what are some of the questions?" I ask smiling. "Well first off, do I know them?" He smiles "yes, actually, very well." I reply. His smile grows. "Are they a girl?" He asks hesitantly, I could tell he was trying his hardest not to offend me. "No actually he is not." I answer, my blush starts to grow along with my smile. "Oh ho ho, lookie here, my good boy never bothered to even tell me that. Wow." He acted offended in a playful matter that made me laugh. "Anything else" I ask while Stephen is still laughing. "What is it that makes him so special?" He questions. "W-well." I stuttered and I could feel my face glow. "He's super considerate, compassionate and he's kind. He's got a smile that could out shine the sun, and a laugh that never fails to make me smile and he's got one heck of a personality." At this point my heart was pounding and I was getting a bit nervous. "He sounds like a great guy." Stephen says calmly. "Now one last question for now. What's his name?" His words struck me like lightning, they  caught me off guard. "I-um it's his- name is St-" I stutter and as if on cue the waitress comes with our food. "I guess I'll have to tell you later" I tease. He shakes his head and laughs. We thank the waitress for the food and start to eat.  Just as the waitress arrives to collect our plates Stephen quickly grabs his wallet and says the bill is on him. I look at him as if I was ready to fight but he didn't even look back at me.
     We finish our food and Stephen recommend we go to the Walmart to get snacks for tonight. After we pick up some snacks like chips, gummy's and Soda we head back to the hotel room. " so there's a hot tub and a pool down stairs, did you bring swimming trunks?" Stephen calls out from the bathroom. "Yeah actually I did!" I answer happily. "Alright cool do you want to go in a few?" He asks. "Yeah of course I do, duh" I joke. We both smile. "Alright I'll get changed in the room you go take the bathroom." He calls. I nod in agreement and grab my swimming trunks.
We finish getting changed and make our way down to the pool. I hid shyly behind my towel where as Stephen proudly showed off. I can't believe he had an six pack, I had seen it before from previous swimming trips but it still blows my mind. We open up the door to the pool room and nobody was in there. Perfect. I look over to Stephen who had a mischievous smile on his face. "N-no Stephen don't even think about it!" I yell in defence of what was to come. My words were powerless he grabbed my phone and my towel and pushed me in the water. "WHOLY SHIT! ITS FREEZING!!" I yelp. He was laughing hysterically. I frown playfully as I pull my self out of the pool, my long hair dripping with cold water. I walk past Stephen to the hot tub without saying a word. He follows me and apologizes while still laughing. We both take a seat in the hot tub. I smile from the warmth. "So do you wanna pick back up with the questions?" He asks innocently. "S-sure, why not." I stutter.

Word count: 1768

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