~a white lie~

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Stephens POV

After what felt like hours of nothing but worrying, the bell finally rang, thus signalling that school had ended, and that I could finally return to the nurses office to see if hosuh was alright. I could finally figure out what was causing Hosuh all this pain. He looked like a mess covered in the crimson colour of blood and the crystal shine of tears. His face was burning red and he looked to be in so much pain, I hated it. I shake off my thoughts and quickly take my leave, I race down the halls and With one swing around the corner I'm there. I quickly swing the door open and rush over to the nurse.
"Hey how's he doing?" I ask. I cut her off before she can even start "What illness is he fighting? is it even an illness? Will he be oka- I -I'm sorry it's just he is my best friend. I don't want to lose him." I say battling the thoughts of losing him. He's truly my best friend, I already lost one of my closest friends just a few short months ago, I can't do it again.
"Not to worry, it's nothing serious he will be fine in a few days. For now just watch over him." She says with a reassuring smile that made be believe in his recovery. "Thank you." I say as I started to walk over to hosuh. He's resting and he looks much better.

~~ a few hours earlier just after Stephen left the nurses office~~ Hosuh's POV

Stephen and just dropped me off at the nurses office it was hard to convince him to leave and comeback after his classes, but after the nurse practically pushed him out the door he was gone. I let out a sigh of relief. "Hey, Mrs. can I ask a favour?" I ask. "Yeah of course Hosuh!" She reply's happily. "Okay, I know it's not good to lie about things like this, especially to the people you care about. but please, when Stephen comes back later today and asks about my condition, could you please tell him it's not Hanakai disease. I will tell him eventually but I'm not ready yet, because if I tell him then he'll want to know who is it that has my life in their hands. I can't tell him yet. not now." I say as tears start to prick at my eyes. "Don't worry Hosuh, your secret is safe with me. It's your choice whether or not you decide to tell him. I totally understand. Oh and if you ever need to talk about this kind of stuff." She says with a smile. "Thank you, really." I say with a feeling of relief. I walk over to the little bed in the corner of the room. I Lie down and close my eyes.

~Back to the present hour~  Stephens POV
"Hey Hos, how are you feeling" I ask as He starts to sit up. The smaller boy rubs the tired from his eyes before answering. "I'm feeling great, and the nurse says I'll be back to normal in a few days!! To be honest I was super scared, I thought it was something serious, something that would kill me." Hosuh laughs. "I'm glad your okay Hos. I have direct orders from the nurse to keep an eye on you, so let's go to my place and watch some movies!" I say with excitement. "I'm sorry, I should rest. The nurse said I need lots of rest to get better. So I should just go home. Thank you though." Hosuh reply's. "Fine but I'm driving you home" I insist. It's not like him to turn me down so quickly, especially for movies. he must really be out of it right now. We both rise to our feet I thank the nurse and we exit the office.
"Hosuh your going home to rest, not to spend all night drawing." I demand. He nods in response. We continue to Walk through the halls in silence, we both have a lot on our minds. The silence is cut short by his soft quite voice. "I'm sorry Stephen, I caused you so much trouble today. I made you miss a class and now were staying after school to take care of me. I'm sorry, This wouldn't have happened if I took better care of my self. I'm sorry." He mumbles as tears start to pour down his red face. Shit. "No no. Hosuh, you're not a problem to me. I don't mind it, really. I just want to make sure your okay." I argue. He wipes his tears away and nods. We continue the rest of the walk in silence, until we reach the parking lot. There sat my black Nissan.
"Alrighty there she is" I laugh pointing to the car. "Wow, a Nissan, nice." He laughs. we hop in the car and head on our way. We sat in an uncomfortable silence with the radio playing silently in the background, until one song comes on, and the second it dose Hosuh's face lights up like a puppy. He starts to sing softly and the built up tension is lifted. "So last call, are you sure you don't wanna come over and watch movies." I tease. "You know what fine, it's not like I'm running around. I'll still be resting." He laughs. Wait what really I didn't think he would end up giving in. "Alrighty then what shall we watch? Any good anime's you know of?" I ask half joking. He's a total weeb of course he knows of a good anime. "Did you just ask me if a knew a good anime." He laughs "hey, hey, I was just checking, don't kill me." I laugh while I rase my hands defence. "Hey! put your hands back on the wheel you idiot!" He yells and with that we both burst out laughing. Soon I pull in to the driveway, park and get out. "Hosuh, just leave your bags in the car. I have everything inside if you need it." I say. my stomach hurt from how much we had laughed. "Alrighty thank you Stephen." He reply's. And with that we enter the house.

Total word count 1045.

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