~You saved me~

428 13 6

Stephens POV

   Hosuh is finally opening up to me, it makes me happy to know he trust me with such grand information, even if I'm not the one who will make him happy in ways others can't.
   He wore his hair in a bun above his head to keep it from getting wet. That plan failed after I pushed him in to the pool. "So should we pick back up with the questions?" I ask with smile that will reassure him that I'll always listen to everything he has to say. He stutters but says yes. Cute.
   "Alrighty Welp who is it?" I question with a mischievous smirk. "H-hey you can't just ask that right off the bat! Ask more subtle questions." He snaps jokingly. I laugh and put my hands up in defence. "Well okay then do they have a normal hair or is it died?" I ask instead. "Well it's pretty unnatural." He giggles and my heart hammers. "w-Wait don't tell me it's my brother Gavin?!" I yell a bit to loud. "W-wait what no! Where did you even get that answer from!?" He yells back flushed. "Well you said I knew him really well and he had coloured hair so I though it fit him pretty well." I reply embarrassed. Hosuh just laughs in response. "Okay Welp, I don't know any other questions to ask." I complain. "Uhh how about his hobbies and how we met." He recommends. "Alrighty then how did you guys meet?" I tilt my head in curiosity. "I have known him since middle school. I was being picked on buy a couple of kids older then me and he stood up for me. I'll never forget the smile he wore when he offered me his hand. It's the same even now, they way he- O- oh I'm sorry, I'm rambling." He apologizes his face becoming a bright shade of pink. Wait a minute that's how I met hosuh, he was being picked on- wait no no way don't be selfish, this isn't about you! "No worries, say, how many classes of yours is he in?" I couldn't help but be curious if I was right. "Uhh 3?" He answered with a confused look on his face. Just the answer I was looking for.
    "Say hosuh, dose he happen to be here right now?" I couldn't help it any more I needed to know. His eyes widen and his his face deepens into a shade of red, as did mine. I could tell my question caught him off guard. "I- um how d- yo-," he was a mess and at this very moment I could read him like a book. He was incapable of forming words so was I, but I didn't need to. I slowly leaned over to him making eye contact the whole way, till our faces were only inches apart then I spoke "can I?" No words were needed to explain what I wanted. I wanted him, to be with him and have him by my side, forever. He nodded and I slowly closed the gap. Our lips collided and our hearts met. Sparks flew and we became one in heart and sole. After a short amount it time I pulled away, the look in his eyes made my entire sole melt. How? Why? How did I get so lucky to be the one he loves? I don't deserve him. Why me in no way am I worthy. He pulled me into a tight embrace and I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist. We sat there for a while until he finally spoke.
     "Thank you Stephen. I-I never in a million years would have ever dreamed that this could have happened. I spent so much time in fear thinking that you would hate me. Stephen you saved me." His voice was breaking
Was he crying? I lift my head from his shoulder and my eyes meet his. The tears running down my face sent me into shock. "Hosuh you know that no matter what you do I could never hate you. Hosuh I have been waiting for you for years now, and I'm so sorry that I was the one who put you through so much pain." Say tears now running down my face. He hugged me tight, burring his face in the crook of my neck in response. We sit like this for a while longer. "Let's go back to our room alright?" I ask still not moving. "Of course, yeah." He answered softly still smiling. With that we get out of the hot tub and dry off. We make our way to the elevator and I hit the button that will take us to the third floor. In the elevator there was a comfortable silence, until I felt something brush against my hand. Hosuh had slipped his hand in mine, our fingers now interlocked. He made me so happy all the time. I don't understand how a single person can be so perfect. We make our way back to our room hand in hand, when we get back hosuh runs off to take a shower. Leaving me alone with my thoughts, I flop on the bed still in my swim shorts. I can't help but feel like a little kid little kid again I was so content. This boy could out shine the sun with a singe smile. And his laugh, its like a drug to me, it sends adrenaline rushing through my whole body, it makes my heart pound and I can't get enough. Until now I had never been in love before, this was the best  feeling on planet earth.
After we both finished our showers we put on a movie. Hosuh in the bed farthest from the door and me in the other. "This doesn't feel right." I speak out of impulse. "W-what does?" He seemed alarmed almost scared. "That your not next to me." I joked. A small silence brushed over us u till he spoke "Can I?" Oh my god, I didn't think he would actually take me up on that. "Of course." I almost yell. He laughs and slips in to bed next to me. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him close as he did the same. Soon we fell asleep in each other's arms. A peaceful bliss.

I wake up to hosuh calling my name. "Stephen! It's gone, it's over! My hanakai it's gone! You really saved me." He cried.

Total word count: 1136

(Hey I hope you guys have enjoyed the story so far I'll have you know that this may be the end of the first arc, but this is only the beginning. Thank you for the support so far some of you are so sweet)

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