~Movies and mistakes~

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Hosuh Pov

Stephen takes a seat on one of the many couches in his house, he pats the spot next to him, signalling for me to sit next to him. I walk over without hesitation, this was normal. Stephen and I have been friends since middle school, so naturally we hung out a lot. I take a seat and he turns on the tv. "So what movie shall we watch?" Stephen asks softly. "I'm fine with anything, really." I respond. "Oh I know a great movie. It's not an anime though." Stephen Jokes. "I mean it's only 6pm we can watch more than one movie. And what's this great movie you speak so highly of?" I reply laughing. "It's called "Baby Driver" it's one of my favourites." He says calmly. "Alrighty let's watch it." I demand.

       ~Time skip it's now 10:00~

  We just finished our 3rd movie, I stand up to stretch. Both of my legs had gone numb and I hated it. "So what do you want to do now?" I ask Stephen while wiping my eyes. "Uhh I don't know. I'm a bit hungry, how about we cook something?" He questions. Just like that I had gone from tired and in pain, to the happiest person alive. Stephen knows I love to bake and cook. I could tell he knew what he was doing, On his face lied a satisfied smirk. God he wore it well. I shake the thoughts from my mind and answer him with "Hec yeah what do you wanna make! Something sweet, something salty or even spi" "woah, woah, calm down there Hos." He cut me off laughing. We are left there laughing for a couple minutes until I grab him by the arm and drag him in to the kitchen.
   "So what are we making?" I ask for the 2nd time. " it's kinda late so something light, maybe a cake." He says, however the tone in this voice made it sound more like a question. "Stephen, a cake is the complete opposite of light." I laugh. "Well it is if we only and a small slice." He pouts. "Okay, okay fine." I agree to his reasoning. I start getting out all the  ingredients needed. First the flour, then the sugar, and then I struggled as I made numerous attempts at getting the bowls. But they were too high in the cupboards. This resulted in me having to jump to grab them, while Stephen sat back and laughed. "You having some trouble there?" He teased. I just look back it him with a playfully irritated expression. This made him laugh more. "You look like an angry kitten." He joked. "Whatever, will you just come help me get the bowls!" I say as I feel the blush grow on my face. Without another word he walked over and grabs the bowls, in the process of doing so, he pins me to the wall. The blush on my face grew, and I swear you could hear my heart hammer. he laughed. Again. Flustered, I pushed him away and started to measure out the amount of flower needed. We continue to bake the cake together, Stephen helping occasionally. He was better at cooking than he was baking, so for the most part, he just sat back and watched. Until finally we had finished baking the cake. My smile grew as it was time to decorate. This is my favourite part. I can put art on food. My two favourite things put together! Welp two favourites things besides Him.
"So I see your happy. Must be time to decorate." He laughs. "Yup!!" I almost yell. Stephen grabs the two tubes of icing I had put aside from earlier, he hands me one. I started icing the cake and Stephen followed, until he got icing all over his hand. Oh no. He smiled mischievously, then pined me to the wall and wiped the icing all over my face. "Oh no, Stephen, your going to get it!" I yell. He runs around the island, I chase after him with a bottle of sprinkles and icing.
~A lil time skip~
   We had finally finished baking, decorating, cleaning up and most importantly eating. Stephen walks back out to the living room. "Can we play some games?" He practically begs. I laugh "Sure, what games?" I ask. "Maybe some Dota, don't starve, smash bro's or Mario cart?" He asks smiling. "How about all of them." I joke. His face lights up. "Good idea!" By the time we had finished playing a few rounds of each, it was 2:30 am. "It's gotten pretty late, do you mind driving me home? if not I can't walk it's okay." I mumble shyly. "It's 2:30 why not just stay here for the night?" He reply's. Every part of me knows I shouldn't, I couldn't. What would happen in the morning when the flowers come back, he could find out. I would be screwed. But, if I stay, I can spend more time with him. I could wake up with him by my side. We could stay up late playing games and laughing. This potentially could be the worse decision of my life, but I can't pass it up. "Really? That would be great! Thank you." I answer smiling. Well, there's no going back now. Stephen heads up stairs and tells me to follow, so I do. He opens his bedroom door and walked over to his closet, he throughs a hoodie and some shorts at me. "Here's a change of cloths, your not sleeping in jeans." He says. I thank him and walk to the bathroom to change. It's a purple hoodie, it's fairly plain, other than a tiny black knife embroidery on the top left corner. The shorts are just black nothing else. I pull the hoodie over my head, the shorts up to my waist, and walk out of the bath room. The cloths are pretty big on me, however, that was to be expected. Stephen is probably half a foot taller than me, he teases me about it a lot. With that I walk back down to the living room, there awaits Stephen.
     "Hey do you have some pillows and blankets I could borrow for the night?" I verbalize shyly. I don't like asking people for stuff, it make me feel needy. "Hosuh, dude, why are you even asking.  you know I do, and you know where they are." He laughs. I nod slightly embarrassed. I start to walk up the stairs so Stephens room, it feels wrong going in there alone like and invasion of privacy. Nonetheless I open the door, swing open his closet,
and grab some pillows and a blanket. I turn around and jump. Stephen was standing in the doorway. "God, Stephen, you could have given some kind of warning, you scared me." I snark, Picking up the pillows and blanket I had dropped. "Sorry Hos, I just came up here to get my pillows and blankets. I'll be joining you down stairs." He apologize. "What, no, you don't have to. You can sleep in your bed." I mumble. "Well how would we stay up playing games then." He voices. I laugh and walk out of the room. Crap, this is gunna make it a lot harder to hide everything.
After a few more movies I look to see that Stephen had fallen asleep. I lean over and grab the remote from his hands and turn off the tv. With that I close my eyes and fall asleep.
As if on cue, around 7am every day, the flowers return. I wake up gasping for air but I I I'm am unable to catch any. The flowers had completely blocked my air way, they were worse than they have ever been. The pain stronger than before.

Total word count: 1308.

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