~Let me take you away~

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Hosuh's POV

I spent the last of my days running after the sun, the people I love most by my side. But as every day passed, seconds fell away. seconds turn in to minutes that turn in to hours. And soon my time was up. Ann brought me to the hospital, there I told everyone I was sick, and with what sickness. Ann and I had told everyone who it was that I has fallen for, everyone except Stephen that it's. Needless to say nobody was really surprised. Not even his brother Gavin. Everyone was so supportive and kind. They all told me to shoot my shot, I agreed saying I would, but we all knew it wouldn't happen until it was too late. Everyone tried to be so strong for me they were always smiling, but I could tell they were scared. I saw it in their eyes, fear and sadness but I smiled along side them anyway.
   I had been offered the surgery many times, I rejected it every time. It wasn't only that I couldn't afford it, I didn't want it because when the flowers fade, so do the feelings. Stephen has made me so happy without even knowing. It's all the little things he dose, they make me so happy. I hate that I have to keep this from him. But I will tell him soon, before I die hopefully.
   Ann had come to visit me like she dose pretty much everyday. "Hey Hosuh, guess what?" She asked in a very excited tone. "What's up Ann?" I reply almost laughing. "I may or may not have invited the love of your life to come in 5 minutes flat." She giggles. "Oh god Ann I look like this really." I laugh gesturing to the hospital gown and my messy hair. "He won't ever fall in love with me if I look like this." I joke. We both just laugh. "But seriously help me get ready." I demand. She nods. After a few seconds she tosses an outfit at me at me and tells me to change. I catch the outfit and race into the bathroom, giving Ann a playful scowl on the way. I change quickly and run out of the bathroom. "Do you have a hair tie?" I ask. "Ohh no, no, no like we said earlier he'll never fall in love with you if you look like that. Now come sit so I can do your hair." She laughs. I fake being offended than take a seat I front of Ann. A couple minutes pass until I here a "all done, you look like a work of art Hosuh." She laughs "Thanks Ann, your the best wing woman anyone could ever ask for!" I say as I wrap my arms around her. "Ah thanks hosuh." She reply's cheerfully while returning the hug.
"heyo, Hos!" A voice interrupts. "Stephen!!" I yell while running directly at him with open arms. "Hey Hos, how have you been? Sorry I couldn't visit earlier." He speaks warmly through a smile that made my heart stop. "I have been good considering the condition I'm in. don't worry about not coming sooner, Ann has kept me busy!" I reassure him. "So how have you been?" I ask still clung to Stephen. "Still trying to figure out what dumb ass has your life in their hands" he reply's jokingly. Ann and I look at each other and laugh. I then let go of Stephen and take a seat on my bed. I pat the spot next to me as a signal for Stephen do the same. "Great news guys" I say happily. They both look at me with wonder and joy in their eyes. "I'm being let out of the hospital! There's nothing the doctors can do for me now since I don't want the surgery, so they said I could go home!" I exclaim. There's smiles grow but not out of excitement or joy but out of sheer pity. They smiled because I was happy but they themselves were sad. "I get to spend the rest of my days with you guys" I say with a reassuring smile and tone of voice.
"Hosuh why have you told Ann and not me, is it because you don't trust me." Stephen says slicing  through the silence. "No no Stephen it's not that I don't trust you it's just- Don't worry I'll tell you who it is soon enough. I promise." I say as guilt starts to flood my mind. I look over to Ann who shoots me a reassuring smile to build me back up again. I give her a nod as a thank you. "I-I just wish you would tell me what dumb ass is causing you this pain, I could help you! I could tell them all you are and for sure they would fall in love with you!" He voice breaks while speaking. I can't help but blush at that statement, I then look over to see he's crying. "No no Stephen please don't cry." I beg, I hate seeing him like this it's breaks my heart. And with the heart ache came the flowers. "Shit, I'm so sorry Stephen I'll be right back!" I grab Ann's hand and race to the bathroom and there they go again, the flowers as deep and beautiful as The eyes of the one I love so much. The one I'm willingly taking this pain for. It was unbearable, until I feel a hand rub against my back ever so gently, to reassure me that I'll never be alone. A hand that didn't belong to Ann, but Stephen. He was there he saw it all. And he still chose to comfort me. My heart hammered.
Soon I had finished up and kicked the two out of the bathroom so I could freshen up. The two are talking, I listen through the door. "Please Ann tell me who it is, we have to help him. I have to help him!" I can't lose him. I can't!" I here Stephen whisper yell "Listen Stephen, he will tell you soon enough for now be the support he needs. Believe me that support is what's keeping him from giving in to it all." Ann reply's. I open the door. "All done and good as new!" I shout. They smile. "Hosuh." Stephen said with a flat tone. I'm unable to read him. What is he thinking. "Hosuh I want to take you away from all of this. Let's go somewhere just me and you, and you can tell me everything. I promise I'll listen I won't be upset and I would never judge you. We will do fun things to take your minds off it all, and you will escape all of it. What do you say?" He reached his hand out to me. I didn't even speak but my smile said it all. "I would love that."

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