Chapter 1

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Hobi's P.O.V
I've just finished dance rehearsals when my phone rings. I roll my eyes at their immaturity as I answer the call. It's my girlfriend Sophie.

H- Hobi  S-Sophie

*Start of phone call*

S: Hey babe, when will you be home?

H: Hey Sophie, I'll be home in the next 20 minutes why?

S: Just wondering. I wanted to do something special for you.

H: Okay, well I'll see you soon then.

S: I love you babe.

H: I love you too, now I gotta go. I'll see you soon.

S: Bye Hobi.

H: Bye Sophie.

*End of phone call*

I end the call and turn back to the boys. "So what was that about?" Yoongi asks and I shake my head with a shrug. "Honestly I don't know hyung." I reply as we grab our stuff and head out. I head over to Sophie's place after saying goodbye to the boys. Who knows when I'll see the boys next. I open her front door and head inside. "Sophie! I'm here!" I shout to her and she appears at the top of the stairs in her underwear with a silky bathrobe on. She looks like she's ready to devour me, but I'm not in the mood. "Baby, I want you." She says to me and I sigh at her before putting my stuff down and trudging up the stairs and towards her room. "Sophie, I'm not really in the mood. I'm tired after work." I tell her as she opens her bedroom door to reveal a man sitting in her room. I look at her confused and slightly angry. "What the hell is going on?" I ask her and she smiles. "It's your surprise." She says to me and the anger kicks in. We've been together for 2 years now and she decides to invite a stranger over to have sex?! Like what the actual fuck?! "After 2 years you decide to invite a complete stranger into our house to have sex?! What the fuck is wrong with you Sophie?!" I shout at her before walking to the bedroom door and leaving. "Wait! Hobi baby, I can explain! He's not for me!" She says as she runs down the stairs towards me. "Why would I want to have sex with a guy I've never met for a start, but also you know I'm not into that!" I shout at her before opening the front door and leaving. I text Y/N and ask her if she is free to meet me, to which she replies with 'Yeah, what's up?'. I ask her to meet me at a local cafe before heading over there myself. Once both of us arrive we grab a table and order a couple of drinks. "So, what happened?" She asks me and I sigh. "She wanted me to have sex with her and a guy that I've never met. That was her "surprise" for when I got home. I don't know why she thought I'd enjoy that." I tell Y/N and she looks at me slightly shocked but at the same time not really surprised. "Are you serious?" She replies and I sigh nodding my head as our drinks arrive.

Y/N's P.O.V
I can't believe Sophie would do that to Hobi. She might as well be cheating on him. As I thought that he gets a text from her. "WHO THE FUCK IS CALAM?!" I hear Hobi whisper shout and I look at him surprised as he shows me the message. Apparently she is cheating then. Hobi drank his coffee and I drank my tea pretty quick and I paid for them and left with Hobi. "Y/N, I need you to come with me." He tells me and I nod as we head towards my car. He drives us to their house and we get out. Hobi heads straight to the front door, which is locked. He unlocks it and heads inside. "I just want to pack a bag and head over to see the boys." He says to me and I nod as we hear Sophie and the sound of skin slapping. They were in the living room, I noticed, as Hobi walks past completely ignoring them, but knowing they were there. I follow him up the stairs to the bedroom, which is when Sophie figures out we are here. "Excuse me? Who are you?" She asks me with a hint of annoyance and jealousy. "And why does that matter to you? You're clearly not bothered about Hobi or his feelings as you're fucking someone else on his couch." I reply as I stand outside the bedroom door with my arms folded, which is when she slaps me. "How dare you come into my house and insult me!" She shouts as Hobi appears in the doorway to the bedroom with a bag packed. "Says the one that's cheating on me. I'll be back for the rest of my stuff tomorrow. You better be out when I come round. Oh and just in case it wasn't clear we're done Sophie. I never want to see you again." He tells her before walking out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the front door. Once outside he breaks. I take his bag from him and put it down before wrapping him in a hug. "Oh Hobi, I'm so sorry." I say while hugging him. I know he really loved her and I'll be there for him for as long as he needs. "No, I'm sorry Y/N. I'm sorry for dragging you into this." He says to me ad I shake my head. "That's what friends are for Hobi, I'll be here for you for as long as you need me." I tell him and he smiles a little. He thanks me and we get in the car. This time I drive over to the boys' house. "Are you coming in?" He asks and I nod as I turn the engine off and get out. We head up to the house together and Hobi knocks on the door. Namjoon answers and looks at him worried. "Hobi, are you okay? Also hi Y/N." He asks and Hobi shakes his head as we are both ushered in. "Sophie cheated on him and accused me of insulting her when she was the one having sex with another man behind Hobi's back." I explain to the boys and they all look at Hobi with a sort of sympathetic look except for Yoongi. "I'm gonna kill that bitch." Is all he says with the calmest tone ever and I know he would as well. I would too. She broke my best friend's heart. I look over at Yoongi with the same look he has and he looks at me shocked. "Anyway, is it cool if I stay here for a while?" Hobi asks and Jin looks at him with a small smile. "Of course! You're a member of BTS! This is your house too!" He tells him and Hobi smiles as tears fall down his cheeks. "Thanks hyung." He replies and I smile before heading to the door. "Where do you think you're going Y/N?" Yoongi's deep voice echos through the hall and I turn to find him standing behind me. "Home?" I reply and he shakes his head before taking my arm and leading me back into the living room, where Hobi proceeds to basically charge at me to hug me. "You're not leaving me are you?" He asks with a pout and I shake my head with a smile. "Well I guess not, seeing as how you won't let me go now and I don't think Yoongi or Namjoon are prepared to let me leave this house now." I say with a small chuckle as I waddle, with Hobi still clinging to me, to the sofa. The only issue is that Hobi won't let me sit down. "Hobi, I'm not going anywhere. You can let me go now." I say and he shakes his head before sitting down and pulling me down too. I'm now sitting on his lap and he has wrapped his arms around my waist gently, just to make sure I don't leave. I sigh and decide to relax into him, which was a terrible idea as I fell asleep on him.

Hobi's P.O.V
Y/N fell asleep on me, and I can't help but think she looks so cute. I shouldn't be thinking this as she's my best friend. I shake the thought out of my head and take her up to my room. She's dressed in a baggy t-shirt and jogging trousers ( Sweatpants) so I leave her as she is. I place her on the bed and pull the duvet over her, before leaving the room and closing the door. Jimin catches me at the top of the stairs. "I've put Y/N in my room for the night." I tell him and he nods with a smile. "Aww cute, but where are you going to sleep hyung?" He asks me and I point to my room. "In there, where I always sleep." I say and he looks at me a bit confused but nods, not surprised by my answer. I head back downstairs to grab a couple of bottles of water before heading back up to my room. I place a bottle on the bedside cabinet beside Y/N and one on mine. I then head into the bathroom to get ready for bed so that I don't disturb Y/N, before getting into bed next to her and closing my eyes. As I do I feel arms around my torso. It's Y/N and it surprises me. "Goodnight Hobi." She whispers to me as she snuggles into me and I feel a strange fuzzy feeling all over. I know what it is because I've felt it before with Sophie right at the start of our relationship. I'm falling for Y/N. I shake myself out of my thoughts and wrap an arm around her. "Goodnight Y/N." I say before closing my eyes again and falling into a peaceful sleep.

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