01) Sandwich. A Glowing Spot

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Chapter one. Just an idea for a new story that's been nagging at the back of my brain for a while now. Probably won't finish it anytime soon. Also, first time trying out third person perspective.

Chapter 1:

          The streets of Toronto were busy as usual. There were hundreds of people wandering about in their winter attire, but there was one girl that was particularly interesting. A girl, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, laid on the ground at the end of a narrow alley. She was covered with garbage. Who knows how long she's been lying here? There was only a few parts of her that was not covered by waste. One of which, was her hair. her long slivery white hair seemed to be emitting a glow, even in that dark alley. Sure, it was a very subtle glow, but it was a glow none the less. And perhaps that was why it caught the attention of a certain boy by the name of Jaspar Dnot (pronounced De-Note), who happened to be walking home one day, from his friend's house.

          You see, Jaspar was a strange teenager. Though he might have been 17, he was quite childish. As he was walking along, not minding his own business at all, his gaze fell upon a white glow in a dark alley. Him being him, he thought it was an alien of some sort, so decided to check it out. Grasping a long stick from the ground with his gloved hands, he slowly approached the glow. Also, him being him, he tripped. 

          "OUCH!" he yelped, but quickly shut his mouth when he saw the glowing spot move. He froze in place, wide eyed, and weapon pointed at the glowing spot. Soon, the glowing spot settled down and Jaspar let out a relieved sigh. When he finally approached the glowing spot, he found it had a silky look to it, as if it was a bajillion thin lines. It seemed as though there was more to it hidden under the garbage, so Jaspar quietly started removing the pieces of garbage from the glowing lines. He seemed to have uncovered something strange, for his face shone with confusion and disbelief. Ah yes, he had uncovered the girl's face.

          Her face was a sickly pale, but other than that and the dirt, there were no marks on it. Curiosity was powering Jaspar now, and he quickly uncovered the rest of the garbage. When he did so, he blushed and promptly looked away. You see, the girl was naked and Jaspar had never seen a naked girl in his 17 years. While his head was turned, he briefly wondered how cold the girl must've been. Finally, after a short mental discussion with himself, he decided to help the girl out. He managed to get his blush under control and started lifting the girl out of the heap of garbage. He took into notice how cold her body was and gently set her down again. He couldn't help but notice the scars that ran around her shoulder and thigh joints.

          The scars looked as though someone had cut off her arms and legs off, then stitched them back together again. Jaspar shuddered at the horrible thought. There was also a very wide scar across her ribcage that strectched from one side to the other. But besides those scars, no other marks were visible on her body. He blushed furiously as he remembered he was looking at her body, with nothing on top.

          He quickly removed his winter coat and eased her into it. It was big enough to cover her small frame but her legs were still exposed. If he was going to carry her all the way home, she needed pants....


Special thanks to xxultravioletxx for pointing out my mistakes. :D

Thank you for reading this chapter.

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