06) Sandwich: Not Human?

90 3 2

ALMOST 2011!

Who's excited?

Not me T.T


          She wondered aloud, "What are you?"

Chapter 6:

          "What are WE?" Jaspar questioned. The girl just nodded, her gaze now fixed on Jaspar, but still glancing at the other two. Jaspar was trying to grasp a suitable answer for her strange question, whilst looking away from the girl's intense stare. Her eyes were very strange. Her corneas were black, surrounding the white that was her irises. They were colorless, hollow.

          After a while, he decided to do an introduction. "We are the Dnots," he concluded. Her eyes narrowed, thinking they were playing with her.

          "What are the Dnots?" That question caught Jaspar off guard. 'What did she mean by that?' he wondered to himself. 

          "A family?" Mr.Dnot offered, hoping it would be a suitable answer. They didn't understand why, but they were kind of scared of her. The girl instantly shifted her attention to Mr.Dnot, giving him a harsh scowl.

          "Don't mess with me. A family of WHAT?" The harshness of her voice was a surprise for all the Dnots.

          "A family of humans?" Jaspar blandly offered, hoping it was what the girl wanted to hear. That was probably the wrong thing to say, as the girl threw the lamp at him. Luckily, he ducked just in time. The lamp didn't even stand a chance with the hard wall. It shattered to a million pieces. The Dnots looked at the wall in horror. Pieces from the broken lamp were pierced into the wall. That wasn't normal.

          The seething coming from the corner of the room brought their attention back to the girl. She was glaring at them intensely, as if daring them to make a move. They didn't. The girl's lips curled into a small smile when she saw how the Dnots were obeying her. This was new to her. Humans have always hurt her. Overpowered her. Now, she figured it was because of their suits and guns, for these humans were practically cowering in fear. 

         "You three humans," she drawled out the last word with as much hate as she could. "You will stay right here, and not move, nor attempt to get your suits -wherever they're hidden. Understand?" The Dnots just meekly nodded, confused and scared. The girl smiled to herself. She enjoyed the incredible feeling of being in charge for once. Giving the Dnots a long hard look, the girl dashed towards the kitchen.

          While the girl was in the kitchen, looking for who knows what, Mrs.Dnot finally spoke up. "You stupid boy. Why did you have to bring her here? You should have left her in the alley. She's probably some psycho killer," she hissed at her son quietly. But she wasn't quiet enough. The girl stuck her head out of the kitchen door and scowled at them.

          A moment later, she walked out of the kitchen, swinging a slender kitchen knife in the process. She pointed the knife directly at Mrs.Dnot. "Explain yourself," she commanded. Mrs.Dnot wondered what the girl was talking about, but then figured she heard what they were talking about.

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