Betrothed: Pt 1 (AU)

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(No lemon yet)

Amy sighed as she slowly laced Cream's nightgown together.

Cream turns around with a solemn look on her face.

Amy gives her a reassuring smile and places a kiss on her forehead.

Cream gives Amy a look as though she has something to say, but she doesn't speak.

Cream lies down in her bed, and soon, her eyes flutter closed.

A bright candle flickers in the middle of the room, softly illuminating the small cottage. Amy, once close to the candle, presses her lips together and blows it out.

The lingering smoke brought tears to her eyes, for it was the last night she'd be sleeping here with her two sisters.

Tomorrow, her older sister, Rouge, was to arrive at the palace at the center of the kingdom, to marry the prince. Amy's father was a man with many debts to all the wrong people. The deadliest of them all, the King. Amy's father had crossed him, and as punishment, he'd relinquish his freedom and give the King his first born daughter.

So, the mother of his children had to raise 3 little girls all on her own. Exhaustion took her away from them, and all they had now was each other.

When the mother passed, the oldest went rogue. Thus, she could never truly become a princess, nonetheless a future Queen.

But all eyes were still on Rouge. The soon to be "queen" of the kingdom.

Amy slid underneath her covers and sighed. "She's not royalty. I can't picture her in fancy gowns and eating with 3 different forks..."

Her eyes drifted towards the window next to her bed. The bakers shop was across the street from her cottage, and she'd get bread every morning from the cute twin-tailed owner everyday but...

Amy began to blink away tears. She knew it's never be the same. Rouge used to help her carry the bread to the cottage. The town is separated from the palace, and no peasant is allowed in.

The town was deathly quiet. It made sense, however, because anyone caught outside after curfew would be executed.

Beads of sweat formed at Amy's temples. "Rouge is still out... where could she be?"

Just as the thought crossed her mind, a loud knocking at the door shook the whole cottage.

Cream shrieked, and Amy jumped out of bed.

Amy swiftly opened the door, and there stood the Knight. His mysterious aura was oddly attractive, as were his black and red fur, but she knew his heart turned cold years ago.

Amy averted her eyes from his icy gaze. "I see the Captain isn't here with you tonight."

The Captain wasn't like any other man Amy had ever met. He was sweet, and his eyes were the color of liquid gold, and his fur was the most dazzling shade of white, but... Amy knew his heart was with The Queen. She was a beautiful cat, with lilac fur and sunflower eyes. Their affair has been going on for sometime now, and Amy fears the day The King hears of it.

Suddenly, a deep voice broke Amy from her thoughts.

"Miss Rose." The Knight began. "I have once again found your sister out past curfew. Usually, the Captain would find a way to let her off without punishment, but you know I'm not like him."

Amy's eyes widened in fear. She looked back at Cream, who's face was ghostly white at the sight of Rouge.

Rouge was barely conscious, slurring her words drunkenly. Amy furrowed her brow and stared at The Knight.

"Now, why are you holding her like a trash bag?" Amy reached for Rouge's hand. "Give her to me."

The Knight takes a step back. "You know I can't do that. She's had many chances."

Amy struggles to fight back tears. "Give her to me, now!" Amy cries.

Before The Knight could react, wind began to swirl around wildly, picking up leaves and pieces of parchment paper.

The Knight's eyes widened as he looked upwards. Amy hurried over and peeked her head out of the doorway.

A huge, flying machine whirred above. It looked like a whale, almost, but Amy had only ever seen those in storybooks.

But, this thing wasn't a whale. It was loud. It was huge. It was terrifying. Amy had never seen a machine like this before.

In a panic, she grabbed Rouge out of The Knight's hands and scurried in front of Cream.

The Knight, seemingly distracted by the events, ignored Amy's actions and began speaking to the man controlling the machine.

Amy's eyes met with his. It was The Captain! Her fear began to dwindle, but when she looked for reassurance in his eyes, they weren't warm. They were almost monotonous.

The Captain looked through her, and spoke, almost as though he was delivering rehearsed lines.

"Due to the King's declining health," The Captain began. "The betrothed princess will be retrieved today, instead of tomorrow morning."

Amy gasped and looked at Rouge, she was slumped over Cream's bed, mumbling incoherently.

"We need the eldest daughter in the helicopter, now. The King doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Amy bit her lip as her thoughts raced through her mind.

She knew what she had to do.

Amy slowly stood up and raised her head to look at The Captain.

"I'm the eldest daughter." She says.

Amy's pleading eyes looked in The Captain's. He knew the true birth order of her and her sisters. Amy needed him to do her one last favor.

The Captain's looked at Rouge, and his face softened.

"Hop in the back." He says, with true emotion in his voice.

"But sir-" The Knight interjects.

"Knight." The Captain commands. "Make sure these girls are safe tonight."

The Knight scoffed, but ultimately obeyed.

Amy turned to Cream. "I love you."

Cream, with tears streaming down her face, pulled Amy into a tight hug.

"Hey!" The Knight booms. "Move it."

Amy sighs and breaks the hug. "Take care of Rouge. Help her get back on her feet."

Cream nods and wipes the tears from her face.

Amy walks out of the cottage, the only home she ever knew, and stepped into the large machine.

As it flew off, Amy places her face in the palms of her hands, and begins to weep.

-to be continued-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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