Worst Nightmare

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Chapter Thirty-One


Isabelle screwed up this time. Isabella is getting worse because of that poison because of Isabelle. Isabella can barely stay focused without fainting. Isabelle is lucky that she's not my responsibility. She would be taking up all her spare time to fix Isabella and me this is the second time her stupidity got the better of her.  
Isabella just got in the shower I grabbed my phone as I called Isabelle. This would be nice if that's what she hoped that it would be such a disappointment on her end because me and Isabella just got back to civilization. Now all I want is for my girlfriend to live, she better save Isabella.  

      "What is it?" Isabelle demanded, "this better be important Aidan."  
"So, you're saying you don't care about Isabella?" I say, she doesn't say anything, "I know you're in London, look Isabella is getting worse."  
"What's wrong with her now," she says, "what are symptoms she has."  
"Dizzy Spells fainting..." I see the father who died as he disappeared, "and hallucinations."   
"Okay," she says, "I'll be there right away."  

I hung up the phone as I threw my phone on my bed. I went to the bathroom. I noticed my arm started to bleed. I didn't feel any pain. I saw Isabella covering her arm with a wet face cloth. I looked at Isabella with a look at what did you do now.  

"I didn't do anything," Isabella says, I look at her expression on my face. "Okay Jesus Isabelle called me when I was in a shower. She was acting strangely weird and she scared me and the razor fell and cut my arm open. I'm okay, I swear." I walk out of the bathroom towards the armoire to get her clothes. Isabella comes out of the bathroom with white pale skin, platinum hair, bright blue eyes fog coming off her body, with a towel around her body, she is no longer bleeding "Darling what the hell is going on?"  
"Love, get dress, we need to get out of here as soon as possible. That wasn't Isabelle, who you were talking to was Elijah. Or Chloe, it was someone who wasn't Isabelle,'' I say, Isabella opened the armoire and she grabbed an outfit that was blue and green. "You believe me?" Isabella went to the bathroom and got dressed. I approached her as I saw her shirt was on and she was about to put her pants on.  
"Of course, I believe you," she says, "it's me and you until the bitter end remember... It's not the first time he's tried to do this so Chloe thinks I'm still the dark commander. I say we should get out of here before we get out of time."   

Isabella puts all of her gear on and puts her weapons were there supposed to be then we hear a knock every was in a blur. I blink as everything was back to normal Isabella grabbed my hand. She pulled me in her direction and she was going to reach the window. She finally lost her mind and she thinks we are going to jump. I would rather deal with Elijah the idiot.  

"Do you have rope?" she asked, I put my hands on both sides of her arms.  
"Have you lost your mind?" I asked, "I know what you're thinking. Are you worried about the part that we might die Ella?"  
"Okay you're not a fan of plan A I guess it's plan B," Isabella says, "just hold onto me tight without touching my skin."   
"Yeah, yeah love," I say, "I know what I have to do. It's the first time we have done something like this." 
"Actually, never mind how about you get worried and follow my lead." she says, Isabella looks down on the ground she sees Isabelle Elijah kick open the door. As I see frost coming off my body lets go of my hand as I stop touching her skin. she turned all frosty she looked at. "Get out of here now."  
That's what I did. I made an ice surface and left her alone. I'm going to regret this for the rest of my life if she dies. I blame Isabelle if I die to now thinking about it, Elijah never comes alone. Please Isabella please make it out alive. 


I am waiting for Aidan and Isabella. Next thing I knew Adrian was icing and Isabella falling out of the window. I ran towards her to see if she had a pulse. I put two fingers on her neck. She's still breathing. I pulled my phone. My father was calling and I picked up the phone. 
I know what happened to Isabella. I'm going to hire someone to kill Chloe and Elijah if it's the last thing I do. No one kills or attempts to kill her and lives. 

  "Hi dad," I say, "can you give me a minute." 
  "Okay," he says, "if you have to," I put my father on hold. 

  Ella is floating in the air right to me. I open the door as Ella floats right in the back-car seats. I went in the passenger seat as Logan was driving to the airport. I take my dad off hold, here comes the disappointment talk. 

  "What did I do now." I say cause anytime you call it because horrible happens and you think it's me." 
"Not this time I know it's not you." Dad says, I'm in complete shock, "what happened to Isabella Michael says that..." 
"Wait, Michael McLaren said what he meant for this to happen. I'm going to hurt him for this. I know he's behind this," I say overthinking everything, "dad I just know it's him." 
"Izzy, it's not him he's like every inhuman on this earth," he says, "what is every inhuman got in common?" 
"They are out for themselves," I answered, "I know this why you are calling me... so why are you calling me?"  
"Come to Russia," he says, "then you find out what has happened this time." 
"Okay dad," I say, "we'll be there soon." 

I hung up the phone. I looked towards the back and put my hand on Ella's neck, her pulse getting weaker. She doesn't have much time well; they don't have much time if what Ella tells is true. Aidan is feeling the consequence they need to get to the Russia medical as soon as possible before they die. 

"Babe what is it?" Logan asks, "is she okay?" 
"Uh no she isn't okay I don't she make the plane ride," I say, "but there might be a faster way for us to get there... Honey, slow down the car."  "Okay will you tell what you might be up to?" he asks as he slows down the vehicle. 
"Trust me we aren't going to die, '' I say, as my eyes turned orange, "so you can calm down nothing is going to go to shit yet."  

Isabella, Logan and I disappeared near my house. Logan was shocked how easily we got here. Logan doesn't say a word. Logan is wearing a green shirt and brown cargo shorts and cream color sandals. I am wearing a dark purple tang top and dark blue jeans and black leather boots. Logan parks the car. 
Logan and I got out of the car. We grabbed Isabella and brought her through the house and lay her down on the couch. Isabella was right, they are connected physically and mentally and my powers. That's why I'm not feeling that pain anymore. This isn't making any sense any more than the light forest. 

"I know how to save both of them." I say, as I see my dad pop out of the kitchen, "Isabella and I made a place in our minds right before mom died we called it the light forest if we can wake Aidan up we can get him to take Ella to a darker place of the light forest like the... the darkest forest."  

I look straight into my father eyes cause I know he has something that I need I form my lips into a smile I keep on smiling at him he finally throws the orange stone at me I catch the stone I ran up stairs I point the stone at Aidan the stone glows then his eyes open he turns away from of disappointed that it was me because all the chaos cause the last two years. 

"I promise myself me and Isabella no more chaos," I say he doesn't respond, "I need help to save Isabella. I have a permanent way to save her." 

Aidan stands up and turns towards me and he is pissed. I guess I deserve this much for what I did to them. At least they don't have to hide anything from them. I wonder who is the best hitman to kill Chloe and Elijah. It would be such a good thing to see them go bye, bye.  

"Isabelle you did so many bad things," Aidan says, "how can I trust you... all I know you could have done this to me and Isabella." 
"You're right, I could have done this to both of you," I say, "Aidan but I would use something more precise like...  pentobarbital, propofol, even thiopental. But I didn't, so Aidan, please we need to save her." I held out my hand hoping he would help. 
"Put your hand down of course I'm going to help Isabella," Aidan says, "just no more screw ups I don't think me and Isabella can take it anymore and someway for us to block each other's thoughts," 
"I can help with that, come on now," I say, "before it's too late."

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