Shayna's quest to meet her dad and her brother

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Not only is being in high school and being a fourteen year old hard, being a weird kid and having Dyslexia as well as ADHD is hard. My name is Shayna Rose Elizabeth Mercado, I'm fourteen and I'm a freshman at Yancy academy. Honestly I am a weird kid, same for I'm a tomboyish girl. Even though I am a tomboy, I do like makeup and I like to wear my tomboy makeup. Other than that, I am the biggest tomboy in all of Yancy academy. I have long black hair that I always wear in a braid, I have big sea foam green eyes, and I have Carmel skin. My mom says that I look a lot like my dad, or my biological dad. She also told me I have a few things in common with my dad, the biggest one I have in common with my dad is that I love the color blue as well as I love the sea and getting in water. Speaking of water, I love to swim as well as I can actually feel like all my troubles are gone when I am in the water. One thing I love to do when I am in the pool at school is, I love to sit at the bottom of the pool for hours and I am literally able to breathe underwater as well as my makeup stays perfect when I am under water for hours. I really wonder why though, even though water makes me happy there are people who are awful to me. People are awful to me because of what I like, as well as me being the biggest tomboy in all of the school. To share an example of me being a tomboy, I love weapons. I love swords, as well as I have fought with a real sword before. Another thing I love is archery, and I'm a skilled archer. I had always loved the sport, the moment I began it at age eight I instantly was incredible at it same for I got attached to it. From an early age, I always thought that a bow would save my life if I was ever in danger as well as if a monster was coming to attack me or my family. To share an example of it, one time when I was younger a monster came to our house and was after my mom and step dad. The moment I heard them scream, I got my bow out to save us all. After I notched the arrow on my bow, I then drew back on the arrow then I took aim and I fired the arrow at the monster killing it and saving my parents. As well as the whole I had a lot in common with my dad, my mom also told me a lot of stories about him as well as their time together, how they met and when I was conceived. My parents met at a concert in the 1980s, I love that era too. They met at a Guns N Roses concert, one with the original lineup too. After they met, they instantly began to date. While they were still dating, they were on the beach one day and my mom found out that she was expecting a baby. After they found out and when they went to the doctor's appointment to see what the gender of the baby they were expecting was, they learned that they were expecting a baby girl. My mom told me about that story one year on my birthday, as well as she told me when they learned they were having a girl my dad was so so thrilled about having a daughter. My parents never got married is something I heard, they only had me together.

As I was getting older, same for when all of the bad things were going on I began to hear a voice in my head guiding me to safety as well as giving me advice in times of need. When I had heard that voice over the years, I always wondered who it was that was talking to me in all those times of need. One day while I was getting ready for school the next morning, I woke up and went to breakfast at the table with Mom and my stepdad David or Dave Voskez as we called him. I usually called my stepdad either David or Dave. he was fine with either one as well as he was usually really chill. Sometimes he had his moments, meaning one moment he would be fine then he would act really crazy as well as he would sometimes be so mean to both me and mom. Most of the times, he was really mean to mom for no reason.My parents or my mom and my stepdad were loaded too, which meant that they had a lot of money. They had really great jobs too, my mom was an engineer somewhere while Dave was a teacher at a really nice school in Long Island New York. My story about how my mom and Dave met was me and mom were at a Soundgarden concert together, while we were rocking out together Dave came close to where we were at at the venue. After they met, they began to date and soon get married. I was one of the bridesmaids at the wedding, I was 12 then and I remember none of the wedding was very fun. My parents did go on a honeymoon, when they did that I stayed with my mom's parents or my grandparents while they were away. It was nice living with them for a bit, still I wanted to be with mom since she practically raised me and raised me without dad around. Since my real dad wasn't there to raise me, my mom was a single mom with a great job to be able to support me and her then 12 year old daughter. Even though my mom was married to him, she still kept her maiden name of Mercado. "Morning mom, I have archery practice after school today." I told my mom, yes my high school does have an archery team at it. At school and at the archery team, I'm on varsity only I'm not the captain of the team though. Our coaches are not the best, as well as they really encourage the bullying and the drama that happens at practices sometimes. As I was eating breakfast, I was both talking to mom as well as listening to one of my favorite bands Guns N Roses. I also liked bands like Van Halen, I liked Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Joan Jett, Halestrom, Soundgarden, a band called Veruca Salt like the character from Charlie in the chocolate factory, Alice in chains, Alter Bridge, Cinderella The Velvet revolver, and the Pretty Reckless to name a few of the bands I liked to listen to as well as they made me tough and proud to be a tomboy. Only out of all the bands I listened to, Guns N Roses is my favorite band to listen to. After I ate breakfast with my family, I went up to my room to grab my backpack and my duffle for archery practice later today after school. When I went up to my room, I grabbed my backpack and put my MacBook, my iPod, and my headphones in there. I already had all my school supplies in my backpack, only I put my electronics in there with them all. After getting my backpack packed up, I then got my duffel and I put my archery supplies in there. After getting what I needed I headed out the door, when I got out of the door I climbed onto my bike and put my headphones in. While I was heading to school, I listened to the song Fall to pieces by the Velvet revolver. I could really relate to that song in a lot of ways, same for I really don't have a lot of friends and I'm bullied for a lot of things. Only I have one friend, her name is Jenifer Heathers or Jenna or Jenny. She didn't have a certain preference of what to be called, if you called her Jenifer, Jenna or Jenny she still would answer and come to you no matter what you called her. When I got to school, I parked my bike at the bike lock and I then walked on into school. The whole time I walked into school, I had my headphones in and I then went to drop off my duffle in to gym for practice tonight. After doing that, I went and I met Jenna at the lockers. "Hey girl, hey how's your morning going so far?" Jenna asked me, "it's alright I guess." I told Jenna, after that we went on to class together. Jenna has long brown hair, hazel eyes and olive skin. She also has crutches, she apparently got into an accident that involved her getting crutches. When we got to class, our teacher was teaching us all about English class. The whole time I was in there, I just couldn't be still nor could I read the words and answers that were on the board. As class was still going on and I was really having a difficult day in class, I accidentally blurted out the answer of the question. The whole time I was in class, I was just really having a difficult time and I was already having a difficult day. After class, the day only worsened more and more. Then during lunch and downtime we were given, me and Jenna went to the pool. I loved getting in the water, as well as I loved archery. They were the only places and times I could really think, and be motivated the most. When I was under the water, I could sit at the bottom of the pool and I could really breathe under water as well as my makeup and braid stayed perfect the whole time under the water and at the bottom of the pool. After my first class ended, I went on upstairs to my second our class world history. I did like that class, ironically I did the best in that class. Not too sure why I did, I couldn't sit still in there I wondered if it was the subject and when we talked about sword fights. I always loved the Greek unit in that class too, I always passed that unit. As I was walking up the class, I had in my headphones and listening to the song The day I tried to live by Soundgarden, that song really was the day I was having so far. When I got to class, I took my seat, put my things away and took my headphones out. I already got the song finished, as I got it done I had the next song I wanted to hear pulled up so when class was over with I could press play on my iPod and then put in my headphones and go. When I was in class I was sorta having a better class then in English, as lecture was going on I accidentally blurted something out. It turned out that that was the correct answer to the question, since I did that I then thought that I was going to try and keep quiet unless I was specifically asked to answer a question. Class was almost halfway over with, when I was then asked the answer a question. When that happened, I was just all in space not being still or able to really pay any attention to class at all. So when my teacher asked me something, I just had my head in space until Annika got my attention. "So Shayna, what is the name of the big three gods." My history teacher asked me, I then remembered off the top of my head. "Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.'' After I named off the big three, we had a few more moments in class. As those last few moments of class were slowly dying down, everyone in class was getting their things together and were lining up at the door to get ready for third hour. I just stayed at my desk with my things about to put in my headphones, the moment I put my headphones in and pressed the play button on my iPod the bell rang and it was now third hour. My next class was P.E, another class I really liked and was great at. I love sports playing them and watching them, I had my headphones in and listened to the song My wave by Soundgarden one of my fave songs of theirs. While I was walking downstairs to the gym, when I got to the main floor of the school where the stairs ended at I got attacked unexpectedly. I was being totally aware of my surroundings like I always was when I walked from classes with my headphones in, even though I was being aware of everything that happened. After I got up from being attacked, I then went on my way to class as well as the fact that the gym was near by where I got attacked at and by the stairs. When I got the the gym, I went on in and I went on into the girls locker room to get dressed out. After I was all dressed out, we took attendance did warm ups then split into two teams to play soccer. The whole time we played in class, my team was really kicking the other team's butt. I didn't play soccer on a league or on the high school team or anything, only I was just really great at it. After we got done, my team was declared the winners. After we were declared the winners of the day, we got dressed into our school clothes and went on with the day.

Shayna Mercado daughter of Poseidon and sister of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now