Saving Camp Half-Blood and New York City

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  At last my senior year will be over so soon, the first part of it went by so fast already and I really couldn't believe that I was now an official senior. Currently it is March of my senior year, I can't believe it that this year has gone by so fast now. I'm now eighteen, as well as I had an incredible Christmas this year too! I still loved how I got to go on a quest with my brother earlier this year, same for all that happened on that quest. Now that it is March, I have now two months left of the school year as well the weather was starting to warm up again and I could wear shorts again. Don't get me wrong or anything, I love to wear jeans as well as a band shirt or a Disney shirt too. I love to also wear shorts and the type of shirts I like to wear, I love to wear my tennis shoes as well as I love to wear my leather jacket and my boots. When I wear them all, or when I wore them  on the quest I went on with Percy he called me biker Barbie. All because of when I wore my Guns N Roses shirt, my leather jacket, my jeans, and my boots. In a way I did look like a biker, only I didn't look like Barbie I hate Barbies yes. Only I will give Percy this though, I would love to be biker Barbie instead of Barbie. In a way I sorta am biker Barbie, I love to wear leather jackets, boots, band shirts and the bands I like look like bikers. 

  While I was thinking all about my senior year so far, I was laying at the bottom of the pool thinking about it all. As I was laying down on the floor of the pool, my hair and my makeup still stayed great as well as I was able to breathe underwater. As I was looking up towards the ceiling of the pool, I was thinking the songs who you selling for and under the water by the Pretty Reckless. Same for those were two of my favorite songs of theirs, in a way under the water was the song that I felt like it really related to me. As well as all the lyrics were symbolic to my whole high school times, as well as they were symbolic to me being the daughter of Poseidon. After I was done laying on the floor of the pool, I thought about swimming around in it. After I swam around in the pool a bit, when I got out of the pool my sea foam green eyes and my Carmel skin were really shiny. Since my eyes are sea foam green, and my skin is Carmel colored they normally are shiny. Since I have caramel colored skin, it is usually shiny it has golden undertones.  My black hair was also really shiny too, I had recently put blue hair dye in it. I still have my black hair, only I sectioned it to put some blue in it. I love to dye my hair, I decided I would choose different colors to dye it. Only today I was more shiny then I had been before, when I got out of the pool I went into the locker rooms to soon get dressed. I had again ditched Mrs. Ellsworth's class, luckily she didn't know about it. I hated her class, and I hated her too. So glad that I had two months left of school, same for I was so not going to take her awful final in her awful class too. I was able to now opt out of three finals again, last semester I got to opt out of three finals. Of course I opted out of my English final, my math final, and my personal finance final. So glad that I will opt out of the first two finals like I did last semester, I think that I'll opt out of my theater class final too. Get the thing, theater really isn't my thing only I got put in that class for some reason. I hated that class, no one could behave nor let the teacher really try and get the class and the lectures done. The class was a bit of a challenge too, there was a few people in that class I just was so close to fighting only I didn't same for they were the ones who really couldn't behave in class. Funny that the one kid with ADHD and dyslexia can behave in an awful class, while the students with non-ADHD and non-dyslexia can't behave in class. 

  After I was all dressed, packed and ready to leave the pool, I waited for the bell to release me and then off I would go home again and for the night. I never told mom or Dave about me secretly cutting class, I have told them about how awful the teacher and the class was. Same for we had the same issues last semester when I had awful Ellsworth as a teacher, mom and Dave weren't at all happy about her being an awful teacher as well as hearing from other parents about how awful she really was. At the end of the first semester, mom made sure of it that I wasn't in Mrs.Ellsworth's class anymore and I wasn't in her class second semester. We had fought so hard for that, same for I was really hoping for a miracle to really save me. Only all the hopes I had about getting out of that class forever were shattered, the teacher had claimed that I had allegedly failed her class. When I didn't I went to her class even when I felt like I should have cut class and get to the pool, the only place I could think and concentrate at. Same for I would meet with my tutor Andrew when he needed to meet with me, when he tutored me he did a way better job teaching then the teacher as well as we became friends right away. I could tell that Andrew or Andy liked me, only I lied and told him that I had a boyfriend. In a way there was an element of truth to that, me and Talen Masters from camp had begun to date around the holidays time. When it was time to change my schedule for the second semester, I had to take theater class and I really hated it. I loved my class I had first semester before I had to take the awful theater class, I took intro to video productions class. I loved everything about it, I loved what we did in there, we made really fun videos, and all of my classmates were incredible too. I never wanted to leave that class. In class everyday in there it was so fun, as well as no one wanted to leave the class. Only we had to leave it, as well as not all of us got to be in Yancy academy's broadcasting team and network. In it's place, I was put in the theater class that is so awful. When I was in the other class first semester, I felt like that was the only class that I could control myself as well as all my disabilities were not too bad. At the same time, when I am in P.E I also am able to control my ADHD. 

Shayna Mercado daughter of Poseidon and sister of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now