Shayna's second solo quest

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  Again another year has been going by so fast as well as going incredible too, I am now sixteen as well as a junior at Yancy academy. I now have my driver's license as well as I have my own car now, I drive a Honda Civic. It's not the dream car I have been wanting only I have a car so I can drive around when I feel like I need to go and drive around, currently it is the last week in March. Soon it will be both April and my first prom, I already bought my prom dress for this year. It's a gorgeous blue greek goddess like gown, I also will be wearing a new pair of blue converse high tops. I just can't wear high heels at all, same for they are the most uncomfortable shoes ever. Regardless, I am so thrilled for my first ever prom I also hope that there will be a camp Half-blood prom too. If so that would be the best, same for we haven't had a prom there before. I feel like I should talk to Chiron all about it, so far my junior year of high school has really been the best year ever. From getting my driver's license, my own car and a lot of other incredible things that happened in it as well as the things coming up really soon. The whole day at school today, I had a lot of thoughts on my mind as well as I really thought a lot about last summer when I went on my first ever quest with my brother and my friends. As I sat uncomfortably in my least favorite class ever stagecraft, all I was thinking was about the month ending soon as well as prom and going to camp this summer. I was really hoping that I would get to go off on another quest, either with all of my friends like I did last summer or another solo quest like I did now two years ago. As class was ending slowly, I was looking at the clock as class was ending really slowly then as we were all packing up to switch classes I was then getting my headphones put in. As I was putting in my headphones, it was almost time for the final class of the day my second least favorite class. I thought about listening the song Rocket queen by Guns N Roses, right as that song began the bell rang and off I went to my final class. True that my junior year has been the best year ever, only thing is this I have had to take a lot of classes this year that I have really hated. Only I ironically passed them with me having both ADHD and Dyslexia, only it's common in me to have them being a Demi-god. All of us have it, without them we would be killed in battle as well as we are able to read greek not English. 

 After the final bell rang, I made it to English class on time. When we got to class, we pulled out or books, spirals and other things we needed for class. While we did that, a lot of people were still talking as well as in my case I still had in my headphones as I was getting all my supplies for class out on my desk. After I did what I had to do to be ready to go, the teacher Mrs. Ellsworth came on into the room and she then shut the classroom door when she came into the room. After coming on into the room, she was then heading up to the board to teach class. In that class a lot of people in there were normally sleepy and ready to go on back home. Sometimes I was like that too, only I was still listening to the song Rocket queen. As I was still enjoying that song, Mrs. E then looked at me. "Shayna, would you please take out your headphones.'' Mrs. E told me to do, only I at first ignored her. Then Sarah the girl who sits next to me in class took one of my headphones out of my ears, "Shayna I asked you to take out your headphones class is starting now. It's very rude of you to keep in your headphones during class, so please take them out right now." Mrs. Ellsworth told me to do, this time I did what she asked me to do even though I didn't want to do what she told me to do. After I did what my teacher told me to do, I was really upset and I was really having a difficult time in class. All because of my dyslexia and my ADHD, the whole time I was sitting in the awful class I thought this to myself. "I really wish that I was back at camp, or I really wish that I was on another quest again and not in school or Mrs. Ellsworth's class." Even though I was doing great on grades and other classes, I was really doing awful in English class. I had an awful teacher who picks and plays her typical favorites game, if you were one of her favorites then she would help you and literally worship the dirt you walked on. If you were not one of her favorites, then she would treat you like dirt under her feet and she would let you fail as much as she didn't care. I was clearly not one of her favorites, so she didn't want to help me or she refused to try and help me in class. After we were given a lecture about today in class, we then were told to do the assignment and try to get in it by midnight tonight or try and get it in as soon as we could. As I was doing the stupid assignment, I was ironically understanding it. As I was just about to get it done and submitted online, class was almost over with for the day. Since time was almost out, I was getting all of my things and my backpack all packed up. After I was all packed up, I again put on my headphones. I thought about first getting the song Rocket queen done, then I was going to put my headphones on and listen to the song Voices by Alice in chains. To me that song would be a great prom song, not too sure why a lot of the songs by the bands I liked would be great prom songs. Before the bell rang, there were a few announcements on the intercom. I just had on my headphones and I was getting voices finished up, then the bell rang and I quickly put on the song By crooked steps by Soundgarden and I walked on out to the parking lot and out to where I parked my car at. The moment I got to my car, I threw my backpack to the backseat of my car and I took out my headphones. After doing that all, I was getting into the driver's seat of my car and I put in the keys to start my car. After I started my car and I put it into drive, I was on my way back home to mom and Dave's house. Usually when I head home from school, I stop and get either food or a drink or both. Today I went in and I got a huge pretzel and I got a strawberry soda, I sometimes either get a strawberry soda, a Dr. Pepper, or a grape soda then I head on home and I go and enjoy the food. While I was sitting on my bed and eating the food I just went and got, I was taking a look at my prom dress. I was so thrilled to wear it, at the same time I was also a bit freaked out about it too. The reason I was a bit scared about wearing it was this, I am a tomboy as well as an archer, an athlete and a lot of non-girly things I am. Then in my mind I thought about the worse case scenario ever about prom, in my thought I saw me at prom. Then at prom, I was dancing and I ripped my dress dancing and having too much fun as well as dancing a bit too hard. Then I had another bad thought in my mind, in the second thought I was dancing with someone at prom and then the person I danced with accidentally spun me into a table as well as made a huge mess. After I had those bad thoughts, I was then really freaked out and I felt like all of those bad thoughts would happen. After the bad thoughts, I then was able to change my thinking and I was able to think all about the quest I went on last summer. At the same time, I also thought all about how in a month I would be back at camp Half-blood as well as I would go on another quest either all by myself or with everyone. 

Shayna Mercado daughter of Poseidon and sister of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now