Quest of the siblings

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 At last it was my senior year of high school at Yancy academy today is the first day of my senior year. I have so many high hopes for this year of high school, also I am so ready to graduate from Yancy. I also hope that I can go to camp in between school, I would love to do that a lot more than school. As I was getting ready for the first day of school, I was thinking about this all. After I brushed and braided my long hair, I then applied my makeup. After I did that, I went and I got all dressed. After I did all of that, I went on downstairs for breakfast then I would brush my teeth. As I was walking down the steps, as well as when I was reaching the last four steps. Mom and Dave were cheering for me, as well as they were taping me walking on down the streps. "Woo, it's the first day of Shayna's senior year. We have to get her first day of school as in when she is still at home on tape to remember it, we will do this on her final day of high school and graduation." Dave said while filming me, yeah I was annoyed by this. "There is really no need to do that, for graduation that really does make sense." I told Dave when he was getting done filming me, then after I told him that he stopped filming and let me eat breakfast then get ready to go to school. After I got done eating, I went upstairs to get my teeth all brushed. After I did that, I then went to my room to get my backpack, get my shoes on, and get my keys. After I did that all, I went on back downstairs and I then went out to the garage in our house to get ready to go. Our garage was big enough to hold all three cars, as in mom's car, Dave's car, and my car. After I went to where I had my car parked at, after I unlocked it I then stated it. After I stated my car, I used my garage door opener to open it and take off. After I did that, I put my car into reverse then I took off down the driveway. When I made it to the road, I then put my car into drive and I took off to school. First I needed to get some coffee, so I quickly went thru the drive thru of Starbucks to get a drink. I always got a hot white chocolate peppermint mocha, it was so good and warm when I got it. After I got my drink I then headed off to school, while I was in the car I had the song Blackbird by Alter Bridge was playing on my radio. As I was driving, I then got to school. At school, I parked my car in my parking spot, turned off my car and got my things out of the backseat of my car.

  After I got all my things, I finished my coffee put in my headphones and walked on into school. When I got into school, I sat at a table in the commons with my headphones in and took one more look over my schedule. My whole dyslexia was causing my some issues with it, I then was able to see it. My first hour class was a class called British literature, all of the seniors at Yancy had to take it in order to graduate. I loved the teacher Mr. O'Brien, only I was a bit freaked out about the people who could be in that class. The last time I was in Mr. O'Brien's class I was a sophomore, I loved him he's a great teacher and he loved me back even though I have ADHD and dyslexia only he really helped me with it all. Only I hated the class as well as the people who were in the class, I really hated these two cheerleader girls. Olivia Moore and Hannah McNeal, those two girls hated me and I hated them back. I always wanted to recreate the bottle incident that happened at a Guns N Roses show in the 1990's in that class, only at that concert it was an accident. What caused that accident was when the band was playing a concert in California, someone threw a bottle onstage. The bottle hit the bassist, Duff McKagan and knocked him out. Again it was an accident, only I wanted to do that on purpose only I would've gotten suspended or I would not walk at graduation this spring. As much as I wanted to do that my sophomore year of high school and in that class, I didn't do it my family didn't want that to happen and I thought that dad would've not wanted to see that his daughter did something bad. 

  After the first bell rang, I went to my locker, while I was going to my locker Jenna was there waiting for me. "Hey girl hey, I can't believe we are seniors now." Jenna told me as I was going to my locker, "I know right this is great. I can't wait to get out of here and just be at camp and then be at college soon." I told Jenna as I was at my locker, after I went to my locker the warning bell rang releasing us to class. As the warning bell rang, I was in class already and I was in class on time. While I was in that first class, I was so happy that Olivia and Hannah were not in that class. Only a lot of other people I hated were in that class, I was not too thrilled then I told myself that it was just a semester class not a year long class and that I would be out of there soon. In class, Mr. O'Brien really just told us about class as well as we did a few fun things in there. Then really soon, class was all over with. When the bell rang, I stuck in my headphones and I just listened to My wave by Soundgarden as I went to my second hour class. My second hour class was a class called art history, in it we would learn about art and the history behind it. We would also play some games, we would get some food, and we would do all sorts of other fun things in there as well as we would take tests and do other things in there. The teacher in that class was a younger teacher named Mrs. Stahl, I had never had her as a teacher before but a lot of my friends who have had in the past said that she was incredible. In class there was a bonus, Jenna was in there too! I was so thrilled I thought that she could really help me in there too, Mrs. Stahl let us sit where we wanted as well as we could sit with who we wanted in there too. In that class we were just given a heads up about class, a syllabus and a run down of what we would learn about in class. Then again, just like that class went by so fast and it was already time for my favorite class PE. Again in class we were all given the rules, as well as we played a quick game to get to know each other. When I caught the ball, the side my thumb landed on was what was the smartest choice you've ever made before. I then thought about it for a moment, then I think I got it. "The smartest choice I have ever made before was this, going on a quest to find and meet my real dad and brother. Also I am Shayna, Shayna Mercado." I said to the whole class, as I was in class I then saw that Olivia and Hannah were in there. I then thought about the whole bottle incident I wanted to recreate on them both, I then thought all about it again as well as how dad didn't want me to do something bad. I then thought this instead, when we play the rougher sports like hockey this year in class that I was going to cross-check and cross-check those two down really good. 

Shayna Mercado daughter of Poseidon and sister of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now