Joining Percy, Annabeth, and Grover on quests

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I can't believe that a year already went by, as well as the year is so close to ending soon. Last summer I went on a really cool quest to meet my family, as in my biological dad and my big brother Percy Jackson. I then found a home at Camp Half-blood, I'm still so amazed at how fast that year and that quest went by so fast. Currently it's April at school, I'm now a sophomore at Yancy academy, also I'm now fifteen. I'm currently learning how to drive, as well as soon I'll go and take the test to get my driver's permit then soon I'll get my driver's license as well as my own car I hope. I'm so thrilled about driving, as well as I am a bit nervous. Two the main reasons I'm a bit scared and a bit excited about driving are there, one of the them is if I get into a wreck what I will do as well as how my parents will react to it. Then the second reason I feel nervous about driving is my ADHD, and my dyslexia. All Demi-gods have those two disabilities, when I was on my quest last summer I learned about why all Demi-gods have them. The reason we have them is this, without having ADHD then we would get killed in battle. The reason why we have dyslexia is this, our minds aren't wired for reading English they're wired for reading ancient greek. The reasons I am thrilled about driving are this, one I will be able to go places on my own and not having to have someone carpool me around places. The second one, I will get to be more mature.

So far my sophomore year here at Yancy academy has gone a lot better now, I now longer feel so shy and I feel a bit more assure of myself now. I have even grown a few inches now, I'm now 5'11 one of my dream heights. I have always wanted to be a lot taller than I was, last year I was at about 5'9. I was fine with it, only I really wanted to be taller than that. My wish for that came true I am now 5'11 like I have always wanted to be, still my brother is taller than me or he's almost at my height. Another incredible thing is that I am now the captain of the archery team, Matt lost his spot as the captain. Only the downside is this, he is still on the team as well as he is on varsity. Over the summer of last year, we got new coaches. Our new coaches are way better now, they won't put up with bullying. Also they're great people, they're also great to go to if you have an issue. One of the best things that they did was when they took Matt's spot away from him, when the new coaches arrived at the first practice of course Matt was being a bully. He was bullying me, as well as he was calling me all of the mean names he called me all the time. Yes I ignored when he did that to me, then he shoved me down again. After he shoved me down at that practice, I went to the coaches. After I did that, he instantly lost being captain of the team. I then took his place as captain, he was told if he was still a bully then he would get kicked off of the team and kicked off for good. So Matt quit being a bully, or he still bullied only not at practice though. When Matt wasn't at practice, he was being a bully in the hallways and he was now with his disgusting ginger girlfriend.

This year I had new friends too, still I had Jenna the whole time though. Same for she is and still is my best friend, she thought about returning to camp full time. She was still close to being a protector with her being a satyr. Still even though I had a lot of new friends, I still had Jenna. This whole time I was at school this year, I was counting down the days until I returned back home to Camp Half-blood. In the fall up to summer time, I would go to school like all the other Demi-gods did. Unless in my brother and his friends's case, they're in college only they still come back for camp as well as they still go on quests same for we hope to go on quests together soon. I had a month left of school then I would go back to camp, as well as I would soon begin my junior year of high school as well as soon I would drive. Still this month was really close to ending, and it was an okay month. I had a great Easter this year, as well as I really have enjoyed learning about driving. Tomorrow after school I plan to go and take the test to get the permit, only thing I was really scared about was the fact of my dyslexia causing me to fail it and I would never get to drive. Still I had high hopes that I would pass it, let alone I had my dad with me like he always has been. The moment I got back home from school, I put on music and I studied for the test tomorrow to get my driver's permit. While I was studying, I was also thinking all about going back to camp this summer and if I would go on another quest again this summer. When I felt like I was all studied up and all ready to take the test tomorrow, I then decided to take a break and go on downstairs for dinner. The whole time I was at dinner I was so quiet, I was still thinking all about studying for that test tomorrow as well as hopefully passing it. When I got done eating, I decided I would go out on the balcony in my room and take one last look over the test. After I did that, I decided that I felt like I was ready to take the test and get my driver's permit.

Shayna Mercado daughter of Poseidon and sister of Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now