Before- VII

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Lena's POV

        After Oliver leaves my room, I go to my closet. Inside, all of my things are piled against the walls, stacked on top of each other in boxes. The closet is huge, at least big enough to fit a bed, a dresser and a desk. I bring the boxes two at a time into the bedroom, laying them on the floor gently. All of the boxes have words on them like "clothes", "shoes", "knick-knacks", and more. I notice it's not Nolan's handwriting. I sigh and open up the first box, throwing my clothing items onto the bed. I hang them up in the white-walled closet with hangers already hanging on the racks.

        I smile at my work when I'm finished. I could fit loads more clothing in here, but for now, this is okay. I go back to unpacking the boxes one by one, slowly filling my room up with all of my things. Once I'm finished, I admire my work. The shelves are filled with cute little objects I've had since I was little, reminding me of all of the good days. The vanity has all of my makeup on it and the bed is full of all of my warm, fluffy blankets. I smile at myself and then leave the room.

        It takes me a while, but I find the stairs that lead to the first floor. I make my way through the maze of hallways and finally find the front room. The room is again filled with sound. It shakes the room, the awards hanging in the foyer are thumping on the walls. On the couch sits Matt Kean, a girl, and Gregg. They see me when they turn away from MTV on full blast. "Hey Matt. Do you know where Oli is? This house is huge," I laugh. He smiles and gets up, walking towards me. He nods to the girl to come to him. She gets up willingly and he wraps his arm around her waist when she reaches us. "For future reference, call me Matty. Matt hates that name so we can't pin it on him," he chuckles. "This is Abbey. She'll show you where he is." She smiles at me and offers me her hand. She seems quiet. She walks toward the foyer and I follow. Gregg nods at me as I leave. She leads me down two hallways and into the kitchen. I notice the walls are a warm yellow, making the room feel happy and welcoming. She takes me past the bar and to a door that leads us outside into the backyard.

        She points to the greenhouse almost as big as a regular one-story house. She smiles and walks back inside. Yeah, she's definitely the quiet type. I walk slowly towards the greenhouse and rap my knuckles on the big brown door. I hear a quick shuffle inside and a bump, followed by a "Shit!" Footsteps stomp to the door and a voice says, "I told you guys to stay away from me when I'm-" when the door opens. Oliver stands there, face growing white from surprise.

        He manages a little squeak -which is the cutest noise I've ever heard in my life- and slams the door in my face. I step back quickly before it breaks my nose and a gasp escapes my lips. I slowly turn back towards the house and take an uncertain step towards it when the greenhouse door flies open. "I'm sorry about him, no one but me and the band know about his hobby," Jordan says through a smile. I walk towards him, my brows furrowing together. "What's going on in there? Where's Oli?" I ask. "Oli? You're giving him nicknames? Where's mine, darling?" A smirk plays on his lips. I gape at him, totally confused.         

        He laughs then, walking closer to me. I peer around him to the greenhouse and butterflies flutter around my stomach. I grab it, as if trying to hide them from Jordan. "Have you thought about what I said?" He asks. I just look at him and say, "Just tell Oliver to come find me in his room." I turn around and walk towards the house. Hands push me into the side of the house and put themselves on either side of me so I can't leave. "I'll need an answer soon. I'll find you tonight, darling," he nearly growls. I blush hard and break free as fast as I can, bursting into the house.

         I practically run up the stairs and into Oliver's room. I fall on the bed, curling into a ball on all his warm blankets. A tear threatens to escape my eye, but I blink it back. Jordan scares me in so many ways, but at the same time I like it. It's something I'm used to. Oliver is so gentle with me though, and I like that, too. I don't know what I want. A tear falls and this time I don't stop it. I cry until there are no more tears to come.

How I Was Saved // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now