Before - II.

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        The banging continuously grows louder. Oliver slips off of the bed and into a chair, making himself comfortable.  Apparently, me telling Nolan to go away won't work. "Nolan, what do you want?" I yell towards the door. I'm definitely not in the mood to see him, not after what he did. "Please let me in. I'm here to apologize." He wiggles the door knob, persuading me to let him in. "Oliver, please unlock the door," I whisper to him. He slowly gets up and walks to the door. Reluctantly, he twists the lock and opens the door up to an exhausted Nolan. He quickly strolls in and stands next to my bed, his arms tight at his sides. He looks at the ground, studying it as if it's interesting. "I'm so sorry. I drank before we left, and I didn't realize who you were until it was too late, and Lena, I love you. I know it doesn't count as an excuse, but please." He looks up at me then, his eyes hovering over the bruises on my face.

        I fold my arms in front of my chest - which hurts - and glare at him. "Did you think I'd forgive you this easily? You'd come in here, apologize and I'd come back to you, just like that? Who the hell do you think you are?" I can't help but raise my voice. "You know how my parents were. Why would you add to the pain I've been feeling for the past 17 years of my life? I won't forgive you. I can't. Not now." I lower my eyes to the hospital blanket and and then let them wander back to his face. He looks hurt, but then anger fills his eyes. 

        "Fuck you, Lena. I'll pack your stuff, but you're out of my house by tomorrow." He raises his hand as if to hit me, to prove he's serious, and I cringe. Oliver rises from his chair. "Don't you dare touch her. You've already put her in the hospital. When will you stop?" He spits the words at him, causing Nolan to back up a step. "I actually used to look up to you man, and now you're teaming up with this worthless little bitch? For what?" He shouts at Oliver, but the words are meant for me. My eyes brim with tears, but I don't let them fall. Not in front of Nolan. "Get the hell out. Don't come back. I'll have someone retrieve  her things, but other than that, don't you ever speak to her again. Don't look at her, don't even think of her," Oliver screams. Nolan looks at me and then Oliver. He laughs. "Fuck you, both." Nolan spits on the ground before slamming the door to my room. 

        I'm cold. I haven't felt so alone since my parents kicked me out, and now the feelings are coming back, overwhelming me. Nolan is gone. It's as if he never cared. I let the tears fall, tired of holding back. Arms wrap around my torso, embracing me. I cry into Oliver's shirt for what seems like hours when my tears finally stop. "Hey Oliver?" I sniffle. "Hmm?" I wipe my eyes with my hand and look up at him. "How long am I in here for?" He closes his eyes briefly, thinking. "The nurse told me a day. You're not in too bad of shape. I can take you out as soon as you feel up to it tomorrow. Just tell me when, and I'll sign you out." He grins at me, causing me to smile right back at him. He takes my hand and squeezes gently before slipping off of the bed and into a chair. "Try to get some rest, Lena. I'll be here when you wake in the moning," He says softly to me. "Goodnight," I whisper before falling into a deep sleep.


So hey guys! This was a short chapter and I'm sorry about that. Vote and comment if you liked the chapter or if you have any suggestions. (:

Love you guys! Xoxo

How I Was Saved // Oliver SykesWhere stories live. Discover now