"Does he know?"
"Park Minhyuk...Does Minhyuk know that you're gay?"
•A Cliché book about Best Friends where One is gay and The Other doesn't know
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Sanha sighed as he turned on his bed, curling himself up in his bed. What was he expecting? That one kiss was going to turn Minhyuk gay? They were teenage boys. Experimenting happened in their time. Maybe Minhyuk was experimenting but Sanha couldn't help but feel heartbroken.
Was the kiss so bad that Minhyuk got himself a girlfriend?
His phone rang as he picked it up, looking at the Caller ID, he groaned internally. Placing it back on the bed, he ignored it.
«Rocky calling»
Lately he knew he was avoiding Minhyuk but it was hard. It was hard watching someone you love, love someone else.
One new message: Rocky: Y are U ignoring me?
Suddenly he felt like the second lead in a ROM Com Drama.
"Minhyuk has a girlfriend?" He heard His sister yell from the Kitchen. She had probably seen Minhyuk's Instagram Post. He took out his phone to check out Minhyuk's post.
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Liked by TheRealJin, Wild and Sexy and 600 others.
Yourdaddy_Hyuk: Nothing is Sweeter than @i_amsharon who took this Picture.
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Delilah: WHAT U HoE is TaKeN?
GeorginaSky: Is she prettier than me Oppa?
Hyojin: @i_amsharon.Who is this b*tch?
I_AmSharon: @hyojin The Love of his Life.
Yourdaddy_Hyuk: @i_amsharon BAE😘
Scrolling away from Minhyuk's Picture, his gaze landed on a captivating post.
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