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Was what seemed to greet me the moment I opened my eyes. My gaze scanned the room as I suddenly realised that I was at the Sick Bay.

Who brought me?

“Ugh” I groaned, pain shooting through my abdomen as I tried to sit up. What happened exactly? Why does my whole body hurt?

  “Hey..” a voice called softly as I turned to see A Familiar tall black haired Boy standing beside my bed.

“Eunwoo?” I called as he sat on my bed. Why was he here? Was he the one who found me? It must have been embarrassing if he did.

“Why haven't you been eating? The nurse said you've been starving yourself..” a worried Eunwoo asked, staring at me. Eunwoo's gaze was speaking a lot and it felt like if he said more words, he was going to cry.

“I-I-” I stuttered not knowing what to say. Of course I had the answer but I couldn't tell Eunwoo that starving myself was the punishment for letting him go.  “It wasn't intentional. There was just no time”

He didn't believe me but he nodded anyway. Taking out a Food pack from the bag I had no idea was on his lap the entire time. It was a very appealing food pack.

  “Here. Eat. So you can have strength” he said, placing the Food pack on my lap as I watched him hand me a Chopstick masking his emotions.

Was I the reason for this too?

“Thank you” I muttered, looking Down at the Chopstick in my hand. “Aren't you going to eat too?”

He shook his head, closing his bag. “I ate already”

Nodding, I carefully begin to eat the food that was in front of me. Eating in front of Eunwoo had never been hard for me but right now, it felt uncomfortable as hell.

We both sat there in Total silence until he made sure I had finished my food. “What about the others? Do they know?”

“Yeah they all have classes. Sanha was the one who found you and brought you here. Minhyuk was the one who texted us. I guess they'll come when they are through with classes but Sanha, he waited for you to wake up but you didn't. So he slept off.” Eunwoo chuckled and it was then I realised that an idiot I had been.

I missed Cha Eunwoo.

I missed laughing with him.

I missed laughing at him.

Every part of me, missed him and longed badly for him.

  “Thank you for staying here with me” I muttered sending him a small smile as he replied with a smile too.

           The door opened as Minhyuk, Sanha and Jinwoo Strolled in like they were the freaking Justice League. Someone could say they are and I would totally believe it.

“Why are you starving yourself? Are you trying to be as Lean as my pencil?” Sanha queried as I rolled my eyeballs.

Minhyuk shook his head as he rubbed his imaginary beard. “There is a reason why your Parents didn't give birth to a stick, so stop trying to be like one”

Jinwoo smacked me as I groaned. Why did he hit me? “Next time you want to starve yourself, remember this. I swear if you attempt such stupid act again, I will Kill you myself.”

I scoffed, crossing my arm. “You haven't even killed a fly in your life, how do you even think you can kill me?”

“The Fly has wings. You have legs. You are easier to Catch, A Fly is not” he explained as I stared curiously at him.

There was no way Jinwoo would Think of killing me----Right?

  “I'm just glad you're okay.” Minhyuk said, patting my shoulders as the others commented. I couldn't help but smile at their generosity.

I loved my friends.

But maybe not the same way.


There was one, I loved more than the others



“Are you his Boyfriend?”

  Changkhyun had no idea how asking a question like that provided him with the answer that he needed.

“No..I am not” he replied carefully as The Female in person crossed her legs, tapping her finger against her right cheek.

  “You see I am very protective of my Sanha, so I don't allow him to go anywhere, were he wouldn't be supervised but..” She paused, staring at him dead in the eyes. “..but it seems like all his friends are going, so..I will just have to let him go”

   Changkhyun's eyeballs widened as he gazed at her completely speechless. He didn't think it was going to be that easy.

“Are you for real?” he inquired again as She nodded, putting her leg down as she took out her Phone.

“Sanha needs to Have Fun, he isn't getting younger anymore” she stated. “Besides, I love him but he needs to be around kids his own age”

  Changkhyun smiled as he watched Sanhee tap away on her phone. Whoever the Yoon's Parents were they were Beautiful People caused their Children looked like Gods.

“But..” Sanhee asked suddenly. “..You should never leave him alone by himself. Promise me, you'd look at him on this Trip”

  As much as Changkhyun was tempted to ask why, he let it go by nodding instead. “Ofcourse. I promise to never leave Sanha's side” he assured as Sanhee turned her attention back to her phone.



Am I The Only One Who Thinks Myungjun × Sanha Would Make A Good Ship?

Or Rocky And Eunwoo..?

Just Saying, Yanno.?

Astro is comiiiiiiinngg baaaaaaaaaaacccckkkkkkkkkk y'all.

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